Nov 9, 2017 | Facebook LIVE, Facebook Marketing, Free Marketing Class
Join me on my Facebook page and learn simple SEO and Internet marketing strategies to help increase sales from your website and social media profiles.
Jan 20, 2017 | Business, Facebook Marketing, Free Marketing Class, Internet Marketing Workshop

Today’s marketing workshop was a blast. **Make sure to share this page on social media now to win a free 30 minute SEO session.
I LOVE working with kind hearted, funny people… Sandy Rowley (Chief Lion Tamer)
RSVP for our latest Free Marketing Workshop, held each month at Swill Coffee & Wine here.
Learn how to profit from Google Adwords PPC with my free Google Guide here.

Marketing That Matters : Topics covered were:
- Social Media Marketing is an important trigger for better rankings in search like Google and Social media.
- Email marketing is a powerful tool, when used creatively to boost your companies social media mentions.
- Learned how to find trending photos and content using
- Talked about what is working in traditional marketing now and how to implement in your next business strategy.
- Reviewed a few local websites and gained invaluable insights and suggestions for new product offerings.
- Talked about tagging and hashtaging on Facebook and Pinterest to reach new customers for free.
- Brainstormed social media marketing plans for a local student college blog network, off road club, custom jewelry company and a goddess retreat website.
- Discussed next weeks free class, Pitch Craft with Megan Anerson with her company Here+Now. Next Tuesday the 24th at 12 pm.

Each business took home meaningful information to implement for this month. To report back on February 16th at 11 – 12. Located on second floor in Fusion@Midtown Co-Working Space. Call Sandy to RSVP or else…. jk :). 775-453-6120.
Join the conversation on here on our SEO & Marketing Group.
Reno Web Design Company, Call for a quote for your custom website design project.
Dec 7, 2016 | Free Marketing Class
On Thursday, January 19th 2017 at Fusion@Midtown in Reno. 11:00 – 12:00…stragglers welcome.

Fusion At Midtown Co-Working Space
800 Haskell Street, Reno Nv 89509
Bring your own lunch…and good vibes.
RSVP by calling or texting Sandy @ 775-453-6120.
You can join our FaceBook Group here:
Have your website reviewed by a Webby Award Winning marketer and gain feedback on how best to increase website sales, email sign ups and more. Have fun with an open, helpful group of local business owners working to help each other succeed online.
Bring your own lunch and your most pressing marketing questions for this FREE web marketing class held each month at Fusion@Midtown Co Working Space in Midtown Reno.
Have your website reviewed by a local SEO and Internet Marketing expert.
– Simple things to increase conversions on your website
– Resources to help grow your audience
– SEO what is SEO and how can it increase my bottom line?
– Community critiques of your social profiles, websites and more!
– Judgement free group of local businesses looking to encourage each other
– Share marketing tips and tricks
– Honest and helpful feedback
– Network with other motivated businesses in the area
and more!!!
Please RSVP as seating is limited to keep this marketing strategy session cozy, fun and helpful. Call or text Sandy at 775-453-6120 and leave your name. Looking forward to working together on making 2017 your best year yet!