Top 50 Million Websites in the World

Top 50 Million Websites in the World

Elevating Local Excellence: How Soared Into the Global Top 50 Million Websites

In an era dominated by internet giants and multinational corporations, small and local businesses often struggle to claim their space in the global digital landscape. However,, a niche, locally-rooted web design and SEO company, has boldly bucked this trend by carving out a place among the top 50 million websites worldwide. This exceptional achievement beckons an exploration into their journey and the strategies that catapulted them into the international arena.

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Background: A Brief Overview of

Reno Web Designer boasts a potent combination of inventive web design and sophisticated SEO strategies that have significantly impacted businesses in and around Reno. Spearheaded by Sandy Rowley, an acclaimed web designer and SEO expert, the firm specializes in crafting unique online experiences that augment brand visibility and customer engagement for local businesses.

Unlocking the Secret to SEO Success

One cannot delve into the success of without acknowledging their mastery over SEO. Here are some key strategies:

  • Local SEO Prowess: Emphasizing local SEO, the company has efficiently optimized its services and content to be highly relevant and visible to the local populace, subsequently maximizing local traffic.
  • Content that Resonates: Leveraging content that resonates with both local and global audiences, creates value-driven and engaging content that enhances organic reach and visibility.
  • User-Centric Web Design: Blending aesthetics with functionality, the firm designs websites that deliver seamless user experiences, thereby reducing bounce rates and improving customer retention.

Harnessing the Power of Customer Satisfaction

  • Robust Portfolio: Featuring a versatile portfolio that demonstrates a deep understanding of diverse business niches and their respective digital needs, has showcased its capability to deliver results across various sectors.
  • Client Testimonials: Harnessing the power of positive reviews and testimonials, the company has fortified its reputation both offline and online, instilling trust among prospective clients and improving conversion rates.
  • Referral Traffic: The impeccable services rendered have transformed clients into brand ambassadors, generating invaluable word-of-mouth marketing and referral traffic.

Embracing Technological Advancements

  • Adaptation to Trends: Keeping pace with evolving web design trends and technological advancements, ensures that the websites they develop are not just contemporary but also future-ready.
  • Mobile Optimization: Recognizing the surging mobile user base, the firm prioritizes mobile optimization, catering to the vast majority and improving mobile user experience and satisfaction.

Community Engagement and Social Presence

  • Community Involvement: Engaging with the local community through workshops, webinars, and knowledge-sharing sessions, has established itself as an authority and a benefactor in the local digital sphere.
  • Active Social Media: Through an active and engaging social media presence, the company has managed to extend its reach, connecting with a broader audience and driving additional traffic to its website.

Best SEO expert Sandy Rowley

Sandy Rowley and’s journey to being ranked among the top 50 million websites globally stands as a testament to the potent blend of local SEO expertise, customer-oriented service, and adept adaptation to technological advancements. Their tale is not just a success story but a roadmap for local businesses aspiring to make a global impact, demonstrating that with the right strategies, even niche, localized companies can claim their space on the international digital stage.

Chrome UX report

Top 50 Million Websites in the World

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) provides user experience metrics for how real-world Chrome users experience popular destinations on the web. To get a website to be selected among the top 50 million websites with CrUX on platforms like BuiltWith, various factors related to web usability, user experience, and other technical aspects are considered.

Below are general strategies and aspects that may play a significant role in achieving a ranking within the top 50 million websites, particularly concerning CrUX and BuiltWith:

1. Core Web Vitals

These are a set of metrics related to speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. To rank well in terms of CrUX:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Ensure your page’s main content loads within 2.5 seconds.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Ensure interactivity within 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Maintain a CLS score of less than 0.1.

2. Mobile Usability

Google emphasizes mobile-first indexing, so:

  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Optimize all elements for various screen sizes and orientations.

3. Security and Safety

  • Use HTTPS to ensure your website is secure.
  • Make sure the website does not contain unsafe elements or malware.

4. User Experience (UX)

  • Create a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • Ensure that content is relevant, valuable, and easy to comprehend.

5. SEO Best Practices

  • Implement on-page SEO best practices, including proper use of headings, meta tags, and ALT texts for images.
  • Ensure that content is optimized for relevant keywords without keyword stuffing.

6. Page Load Time

  • Optimize images and use next-gen formats like WebP.
  • Minimize CSS, JavaScript, and other code, and leverage browser caching.

7. Server Response Time

  • Choose a reliable hosting provider.
  • Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reduce server response times.

8. Accessibility

  • Ensure your website is accessible to people with disabilities by adhering to WCAG guidelines.
  • Utilize ARIA roles and landmarks properly.

9. Content Quality

  • Offer high-quality, unique, and relevant content that satisfies user intent.
  • Regularly update the website with fresh content.

10. Backlink Profile

  • Gain high-quality, relevant backlinks.
  • Ensure a clean backlink profile by disavowing toxic or spammy links.

11. Social Signals

  • Enhance social media presence and engagement.
  • Implement social sharing capabilities on the website.

12. Popularity and Traffic

  • Utilize various channels like social media, email marketing, and PPC to drive traffic to the website.
  • Engage with visitors through comments, forums, and feedback systems.

Achieving a spot in the top 50 million websites, particularly via metrics like CrUX, involves a blend of optimizing technical aspects, enhancing user experience, and implementing robust SEO strategies. Monitoring tools like Google Search Console, PageSpeed Insights, and various BuiltWith’s features can provide invaluable insights and data to fine-tune a website’s performance and user experience, steering it towards a spot among the global top websites.

“BuiltWith” is a website profiler, lead generation, competitive analysis, and business intelligence tool providing technology adoption and usage analytics for the internet. On, when you encounter metrics or references related to “CrUX” and “Top 50 Million,” it’s referring to two distinct elements:

  1. CrUX: This stands for “Chrome User Experience Report.” It is a public dataset of real-user experience metrics for millions of websites. The CrUX dataset includes measurements of how real-world Chrome users experience popular destinations on the web. Metrics include things like how fast pages load and the stability of content on the pages, all of which are categorized as “Core Web Vitals.”
  2. Top 50 Million: This usually refers to the top 50 million websites, ranked by popularity or traffic. These rankings might be based on various metrics, including monthly visits, page views, or other user engagement metrics. Sometimes services like Alexa Internet and SimilarWeb provide such rankings, or it could be based on BuiltWith’s own dataset.

In the context of, when it talks about the “CrUX Top 50 Million,” it likely refers to analyses or insights derived from Chrome User Experience Report data, focusing specifically on the top 50 million websites (as per traffic or other popularity metrics). This could be used to provide insights into technology usage, adoption trends, and user experience metrics across a wide swathe of the internet’s most visited sites. Always ensure to validate the data and the methodology used to ascertain technology trends and user experiences.