When to Upgrade to Google Analytics 360 for WordPress Sites on WP Engine

When to Upgrade to Google Analytics 360 for WordPress Sites on WP Engine

Image source: https://astriata.com/onward-and-upward-making-the-transition-from-universal-analytics-to-google-analytics-4/

As a WordPress site owner using WP Engine for hosting, you may be wondering if and when you should upgrade from standard Google Analytics to Google Analytics 360 (GA360). While GA360 offers powerful features and capabilities, it’s not always necessary for every website. This article will help you determine if it’s the right time for your WordPress site to make the switch. Coming this July 1st 2024, Google is doing away with the Universal Analytics and removing all data. Do you upgrade to the new version or upgrade to a more robust service?

  1. Traffic Volume

One of the primary reasons to consider upgrading to GA360 is when your site’s traffic exceeds the limits of standard Google Analytics. If your WordPress site hosted on WP Engine is consistently receiving more than 10 million hits per month, GA360 becomes a necessity. GA360 can handle much higher volumes of data without sampling, ensuring more accurate reporting for high-traffic sites.

  1. Data Processing and Reporting Needs

If you find that standard Google Analytics is not providing the depth of data or reporting capabilities you need, it might be time to upgrade. GA360 offers:

  • Unsampled reports
  • BigQuery integration for advanced data analysis
  • More custom dimensions and metrics
  • Faster data processing and reporting

For WordPress sites with complex structures or those requiring intricate data analysis, these features can be invaluable.

  1. Integration with Other Google Marketing Platform Products

If you’re using other Google Marketing Platform products like Google Ads, Display & Video 360, or Search Ads 360, upgrading to GA360 can provide better integration and data sharing between these tools. This is particularly useful for WordPress sites focused on advanced marketing and advertising strategies.

  1. Enhanced E-commerce Capabilities

For WordPress e-commerce sites on WP Engine, GA360’s enhanced e-commerce features can provide deeper insights into customer behavior, product performance, and conversion funnels. If your standard Google Analytics setup isn’t giving you the detailed e-commerce data you need, it might be time to upgrade.

  1. Service Level Agreement (SLA) Requirements

If your WordPress site is business-critical and you need guaranteed uptime and support, GA360’s SLA might be a compelling reason to upgrade. This is especially relevant for enterprise-level WordPress sites hosted on WP Engine’s higher-tier plans.

  1. Budget Considerations

GA360 is a significant investment, with pricing typically starting around $150,000 per year. Before upgrading, ensure that your WordPress site’s revenue or strategic importance justifies this cost. Consider if the additional insights and capabilities will provide a positive ROI for your business.

  1. Technical Resources

Implementing and fully utilizing GA360 often requires more technical expertise than standard Google Analytics. Ensure you have the necessary resources, either in-house or through partnerships, to take full advantage of GA360’s capabilities.

  1. Data Governance and Privacy Needs

If your WordPress site deals with sensitive data or operates in regions with strict data privacy laws, GA360’s enhanced data controls and security features might be necessary to ensure compliance.

Upgrading to Google Analytics 360 for your WordPress site hosted on WP Engine is a significant decision that should be based on your specific needs and circumstances. Consider factors such as traffic volume, data analysis requirements, integration needs, e-commerce complexity, and budget before making the switch.

For many WordPress sites, standard Google Analytics provides sufficient functionality. However, if you find yourself consistently bumping up against its limitations, and if the benefits of GA360 align with your business goals and can justify the cost, it may be time to upgrade.

Remember, WP Engine’s robust hosting platform can handle the demands of both standard Google Analytics and GA360, so your decision should be based on your analytics needs rather than hosting capabilities. Always consult with analytics professionals or Google representatives to fully understand the implications and benefits of upgrading to GA360 for your specific WordPress site.

Is your website ready to upgrade to Google 360?

Here’s an overview of the average costs associated with hiring a web developer to install and manage Google Analytics 360 (GA360):

  1. Initial Installation and Setup:
    • One-time cost: $2,000 – $5,000
    • This covers the basic installation, configuration, and initial setup of GA360 on your website.
  2. Ongoing Management and Optimization:
    • Monthly retainer: $1,500 – $5,000 per month
    • This includes regular maintenance, report creation, data analysis, and ongoing optimizations.
  3. Advanced Implementation and Customization:
    • Project-based: $5,000 – $20,000+
    • For complex setups, custom tracking implementations, or advanced integrations with other tools.
  4. Training and Knowledge Transfer:
    • One-time cost: $1,000 – $3,000
    • To train your internal team on using GA360 effectively.
  5. Ad-hoc Consulting:
    • Hourly rate: $100 – $300 per hour
    • For specific issues or short-term projects.

Factors affecting the price:

  • Developer’s experience and expertise with GA360
  • Complexity of your website and data requirements
  • Integration needs with other tools or platforms
  • Scope of customization and reporting needed
  • Geographic location of the developer

It’s important to note that these costs are in addition to the GA360 license fee (typically starting around $150,000 per year) paid directly to Google.

Also, keep in mind that prices can vary significantly based on the specific needs of your project and the expertise level of the developer or agency you hire. It’s always recommended to get multiple quotes and thoroughly discuss your requirements before making a decision.

Understanding How Google Analytics Works: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Understanding How Google Analytics Works: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Building a website is just the first step to starting an online business.

You have to have really detailed metrics and analysis points to precisely target your audience.

Google Analytics is one of the best ways to find this information and make it work for you.

Use the tips in our easy to follow guide to learn how Google Analytics works and the best ways to use it for your site.

How Google Analytics Works

Google Analytics is a tool provided by Google that helps you process your websites information. It goes beyond the basic visitor information and allows you to get really in depth and useful data.

In order to use Google Analytics, you have to sign up for the service and register your website. You can have multiple websites under a single account so there’s no need to create more than one.

It allows you to quickly discover specific data on important metrics. A few of the most useful are bounce rate, conversion rates, and landing page information.


Getting Started

So you’re probably wondering how to access Google Analytics. You’ve completed the first step in creating an account, now you need to add a tracking code to your website.

This allows Google to actually track user data and directly monitor how your website is functioning. Once this data starts to roll in you’ll have to figure out what you want to do with it.

You can start by looking at the default metrics and analytics. These provide you with the most commonly needed data points such as acquisition, search information, lifetime value, and active user data.

Once you’ve gotten the hand of these metrics you can try your hand at creating custom reports. These allow you to really laser focus your data. You can include parameters such as SKU’s, product sizing, and even integrate external data sources such as your CRM software.

Benefits of Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to turn the raw visitor data for your website into actionable information. You can see information such as:

  • Number of Visitors
  • Time on Site
  • Visitor Activity
  • Social Media Information

This type of information is highly valuable from a digital marketing standpoint. It allows you to see what works and what doesn’t. You can also find out how visitors use your site and the kind of content they find most appealing.

Some of the most important information involves how visitors arrive at your site. This shows you what your most valuable search terms are and can suggest terms you should create content for. This data will also help you discover what other interests visitors have based on their previous search history.

If you know what they’re interested in you can more effectively target your content to match their needs. Consumers love sites that provide them with value. They’re much more likely to purchase your services or use your affiliate link if you’ve brought them real value.

Refine, Refine, Refine

Creating awesome content isn’t enough to succeed anymore. You have to know exactly where your visitors are coming from and what turns them into customers. By learning how Google Analytics works you make it much easier to target your content.

Click here to get a free SEO audit and to learn more about the benefits of top to bottom SEO design.

Startup NV

Google Analytics Workshop coming up in January 2019. RSVP for this Lunch & Learn event with StartupNV & 1Million Cups here:
