Reno Logo Designer

Custom graphic and logo design by a local Reno graphic designer.

Custom logo designs start at $900. Most custom graphic designs are ready within 2 weeks or less.

How the logo design process works:

  1. Have a quick chat over the phone to discuss colors, fonts and initial ideas.
  2. We agree on a reasonble budget for the logo design project. ($900 to $5000 depending on needs and timeline.)
  3. Client to email over examples of logos, artwork and fonts they like.
  4. Designer creates 3 or more logo design samples within 2 weeks or less.
  5. Client reviews logo design samples and emails back favorite design and/or changes needed.
  6. Designer creates final logo design for review and approval.
  7. Client approves logo design.
  8. Designer creates 3 logo file types for client: PDF, Transparent background PNG and Photoshop and/or Illustrator original artwork file.

Here are some samples of logo designs created for clients:

View more Logo Design Ideas and Examples from RenoWebDesigner and other top designers on Pinterest here!


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