How To Get Lucky in Business
Some would say that a lucky break made all the difference, but those who have been on the front lines of fast-growing businesses would say that hard work, dedication, and eagerness to learn from past mistakes, is the fastest way to becoming a lucky business.
I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson
After decades of working with thousands of website clients and SEO projects, one thing stands out amongst the companies that make it in the business world, luck, or rather, true grit is a common trait amongst the leading businesses we studied.
Illustration by Viktoriya Belinio from Ouch!
Those who venture out into the unchartered seas of entrepreneurship must ready themselves for the ride of a lifetime.
“Bad shit is coming. It always is in a startup. The odds of getting from launch to liquidity without some kind of disaster happening are one in a thousand. So don’t get demoralized.”–Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator
Super highs and painful lows initiate new startups within the first few years of opening the doors to the public.
Common traits of those who stay the course:
- Having an attitude of firm dedication and reasonably calm responses to the challenges that lay ahead will help most weather the storm.
- Mental toughness and a mindset of “what’s the lesson here?” can help a new venture and in their personal endeavors.
- Meditation, counseling, physical activity, and all the wise choices one would make in order to thrive in the world, also hold true with a successful business venture.
Building an encouraging network of entrepreneurs, most certainly increased the overall happiness factor for many a weary entrepreneurs. Thankful for the helpful advice, and someone who “gets it” helped warm the frozen tundra of most new business enterprises. This knowing that the particular challenge you are facing is not unique to you, (or that the universe is a bully) can be comforting enough to ease the all-consuming anxieties that riddle most young businesses. Simply learning how others overcame those similar situations, can smooth out the road ahead for those willing to learn.
Illustration by Polina G from Ouch!
Owning a business can get lonely at times. Having another business owner who understands and shares ideas on how to improve on them can help ease the loneliness most business-minded souls face.
Business networking groups allow the businessperson to learn from others in a relaxed atmosphere while also practicing their networking and sales techniques.
Reno Business Group is run by local Web Designer & Marketing Pro, Sandy Rowley. The group meets once, sometimes twice a month for the last 5 years.
Some topics discussed at each event are relevant to most businesses. Important topics can cover, how to do digital marketing correctly, how to find a local business that compliments your own to network with and an overall safe place to vent if needed.
The group has about 780 local business members, who regularly attend the workshops online. Each sharing resources and help when needed. A friendly group of successful business folks who enjoy networking.
Business-minded people are avid learners and savvy resourceful characters. They work hard to be the best in their chosen fields and are always looking for the next opportunity to innovate.
Most are reading at least one book a month, taking courses to improve some area that is lacking in their skill set, and are kind of obsessed with the idea of total freedom that owning a business brings.
“You can’t be successful by quitting your way to the top. You must persevere your way to the top! Perseverance allows you and me to get where we want to go. Talent provides hope for accomplishment, but perseverance guarantees it.” John C. Maxwell
Leadership Expert
Businesses that encourage these mindsets often are the leaders in their industry.
Except for the lucky few, I suspect that most businesses that win big, have had hardships, stressors, and struggles to manage along the way.
Failing is one part of that journey. How you overcome each obstacle will determine the success achieved and with each lesson learned your luck increases.
Jason Roberts’ Model for Luck Surface Area shares…
The amount of serendipity that will occur in your life, your Luck Surface Area, is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you’re passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated.
To summarize:
- Improve your skill sets, daily.
- Network with like-minded and/or individuals who have experience in the business.
- Mind your mindset and mental health.
- Persistence is always key.
- Learn from your mistakes.
- Finding meaning is the daily duties of running your business.
- Read books that inspire, educate and build up your vocabulary.
- Implement a solid digital marketing strategy and follow through on the plan.

Sandy Rowley SEO Expert 775-870-0488.
Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design