Audit SEO Online
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What is an SEO audit?
SEO stands for search engine optimization. An SEO audit is a review of your websites existing rankings in online search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
There are different types of SEO audits.
A quick audit can give you helpful information about how your website stacks up against competitors in your industry. It can also give you an idea of what it will take to rank your website for certain keyword phrases.
A full technical SEO audit, can take up to 2 weeks and includes all variables needed to outrank in a competitive market online.
Technical SEO audits are always recommended for larger websites or for websites that are going under a site re design.
Full SEO audits can help identify why a website lost search engine rankings.
Some items that a SEO expert will review during a full technical SEO audit are:
- Site load speed
- Mobile responsivness
- On site SEO optimization
- Off site SEO optimazation
- Link Analysis
- Keyword Analysis
- Competitor positions
As well as a number of technical considerations that are often propriatery to each SEO experts level of experience and knowledge.