Sandy Rowley Law Firm Marketing

1. Optimize Your Website
2. Get Involved in the Community
3. Launch a Short Form Video Series
4. Build Relationships with Local Referral Partners
5. Ask For Reviews from Every Client
6. Host a Live Event
7. Retarget Your Followers
8. Collect Conversion-Worthy Data from Your Firm
9. Speak at Local Bar Associations
10. Submit Your Attorneys for Major Awards

Take Your Next Marketing Step Now

Attorneys with a focus on personal injury law have a variety of marketing avenues beyond traditional methods like bus benches and billboards. Today’s competitive legal landscape demands a multifaceted and strategic marketing approach, combining classic word-of-mouth with advanced digital strategies like PPC, SEO and social media advertising.

For personal injury attorneys, it’s wise to start with one marketing channel and tactic, then expand. Consider where your audience is most engaged and likely to connect with your practice.

1. Optimize Your Website

With over 68% of online experiences beginning with a search engine, it’s crucial for law firm websites to be functional, user-friendly, and optimized. This is vital for personal injury law firms to stand out when someone needs legal assistance after an accident.

Website optimization for personal injury law firms involves two key strategies:

– Implementing a search engine optimization (SEO) plan to ensure each page on your site effectively communicates with search engines like Google.
– Focusing on first impressions, using people-first copy, adding interactive elements like settlement calculators or quizzes, and providing clear calls to action.

Highlight your unique value propositions to differentiate your firm, such as multilingual services.

2. Get Involved in the Community

Building trust and awareness for your practice involves active community engagement, not just showcasing legal expertise. This could involve sponsoring local events, offering scholarships, speaking at educational sessions, or participating in charity events.

3. Launch a Short Form Video Series

Address common questions in initial consultations through short-form videos. Share these videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, your website, and YouTube.

Keep these videos concise and focused on relevant topics for your audience.

4. Build Relationships with Local Referral Partners

Connect with individuals and organizations that can refer personal injury clients, such as chiropractors, local yoga studios, or rehab centers. Foster genuine, mutually beneficial relationships with these partners.

5. Ask For Reviews from Every Client

Encourage clients to leave reviews and consider setting up an automated system for this. Explain why reviews are crucial and offer guidance on what they might include in their feedback.

6. Host a Live Event

Conduct webinars or live events on topics relevant to personal injury, offering valuable insights without overtly promoting your services.

7. Retarget Your Followers

Use retargeting ads on social media or Google to stay top of mind with potential clients who have visited your website but haven’t yet decided on a law firm. You can use Facebook, Google Paid Ads, LinkedIn and other social networks.

8. Collect Conversion-Worthy Data from Your Firm

Use data from your cases to highlight your firm’s unique value proposition. This can involve showcasing experience, success rates, or specific areas of expertise.

9. Speak at Local Bar Associations

Speaking at bar association events can enhance your reputation and network. Promote these events and share images and experiences on your blog or newsletter.

10. Submit Your Attorneys for Major Awards

Participate in meaningful and vetted law firm award opportunities. This adds social proof to your website and demonstrates industry recognition.

Take Your Next Marketing Step …

While diversifying your marketing efforts is important, don’t overlook the importance of your website. It’s a platform you own, unlike social media where you are subject to external policies and algorithms.

For personal injury law firms yet to embark on marketing efforts, starting with SEO is a strong move. Sandy Rowley Law Firm Marketing has extensive experience in helping injury lawyers maximize their online presence through effective SEO strategies.