Legal SEO Case Studies by Sandy Rowley

Legal SEO Case Studies by Sandy Rowley

Legal SEO Case Study: ABC Law Firm’s Year of Local SEO

ABC Law Firm, a personal injury law firm based in Dallas, Texas, decided to focus on local SEO to increase their online visibility and attract more clients.

– Optimized Google My Business listing and collected client reviews.
– Targeted local keywords in website content.
– Published blog posts on local legal issues and news.
– Built local backlinks through community involvement and local press.

Month-by-Month Growth:

1. Initial Setup: Website audit, keyword research, and optimization of existing content.
2. GMB Optimization: Completed Google My Business profile, started collecting reviews.
3. Content Strategy Rollout: Began publishing weekly blog posts targeting local keywords.
4. User Experience Improvement: Improved website loading speed and mobile responsiveness.
5. Local Link Building: Engaged in local charity events and got featured in the local news.
6. Social Proof: Increased number of Google reviews from clients, improving local search credibility.
7. Local Partnerships: Partnered with other local businesses for cross-promotion.
8. Content Amplification: Leveraged social media to increase reach of blog content.
9. Local PR: Sent out a press release on a high-profile case, gaining local media attention.
10. Local Citations: Ensured NAP consistency across all directories and built new citations.
11. Referral Traffic: Launched a local scholarship that drove significant referral traffic and backlinks.
12. Reputation Management: Actively managed online reputation, addressing any negative reviews.

Over the 12 months, ABC Law Firm experienced a compounding growth in organic search visibility, with a significant increase in traffic and client inquiries month over month.

– Months 1-3: Modest growth as SEO groundwork was laid, with a 5-10% increase in traffic each month.
– Months 4-6: Improved local rankings led to a noticeable uptick in inquiries, with traffic increasing by 15-20% month over month.
– Months 7-9: The firm began ranking in the top 3 for several targeted keywords, resulting in a 25-30% monthly increase in traffic.
– Months 10-12: As local SEO efforts matured, the firm saw a 35-40% growth in traffic, with a corresponding 20% increase in client consultations and a 15% increase in signed clients month over month.

Quality SEO helped ABC Law Firm establish a strong online presence in the local Dallas area. The consistent application of local SEO best practices resulted in higher rankings, more website traffic, and an increase in qualified leads. Client consultations and sales grew as a direct result of improved online visibility and a solid reputation in the local community.

ABC Law Firm’s dedicated approach to local SEO over 12 months demonstrates the potential for compounding growth in both online presence and client acquisition. By the end of the year, the firm had not only improved its position in search results but had also established a robust online reputation that facilitated a tangible increase in sales.

ABC Law Firm is a fictional name to protect my clients identity.

Case Study 1: Downtown Law, Family Law Attorney in a Metropolitan Area

Background: Downtown Law is a family law practice in a competitive metropolitan area. They have a minimal online presence and rely mainly on word-of-mouth referrals.

Month 1-2:

  • Conduct a comprehensive SEO audit.
  • Optimize the website for mobile and improve site speed.
  • Research and target local keywords related to family law.

Month 3-4:

  • Create and optimize Google My Business listing.
  • Implement a content strategy focusing on local family law issues.
  • Start building backlinks through guest posts on local news sites and legal blogs.

Month 5-6:

  • Encourage client reviews to build social proof.
  • Regularly update the blog and local content to keep the site dynamic.
  • Begin seeing improvements in local search rankings and a steady increase in inquiries.

Results: Downtown Law moved from not ranking on the first two pages to appearing in the top 5 local search results for critical keywords. They experienced a 50% increase in website traffic and a 30% increase in consultations.

Case Study 2: Green & Associates, Environmental Law Specialist

Background: Green & Associates specialize in environmental law but struggle to attract clients through their website, which is not optimized for search engines.

Month 1-2:

  • Identify niche-specific keywords with local intent.
  • Redesign the website for a better user experience.
  • Start a blog series on high-profile environmental cases.

Month 3-4:

  • Engage in local environmental community events for brand exposure.
  • Develop infographics and educational content for link building.
  • Receive mentions in local media outlets for community engagement.

Month 5-6:

  • Optimize all visual content for SEO.
  • Begin to rank for specific environmental law-related terms.
  • Observe a 40% increase in organic traffic and a 25% increase in lead generation.

Results: Green & Associates became a top 3 search result for several niche-specific, local terms, leading to an increase in high-quality leads interested in environmental legal services.

Case Study 3: Smith Defense, Criminal Defense Attorney

Background: Smith Defense, a solo criminal defense attorney, has a strong track record in court but a weak online presence.

Month 1-2:

  • Optimize the website with local SEO in mind.
  • Start a YouTube channel to share legal insights and advice.

Month 3-4:

  • Publish client testimonial videos and case studies.
  • Collaborate with local influencers for a broader reach.

Month 5-6:

  • Utilize the video content to improve website engagement metrics.
  • See a direct correlation between video content and website inquiries.

Results: Smith Defense’s strategic use of video content led to a 60% increase in website engagement and a 35% increase in client inquiries, establishing them as a thought leader in criminal defense.

Case Study 4: Justitia Legal, Immigration Law Firm

Background: Justitia Legal is an immigration law firm seeking to increase its client base among the local immigrant community.

Month 1-2:

  • Develop a multilingual SEO strategy to target non-English speakers.
  • Optimize the website for culturally relevant keywords.

Month 3-4:

  • Create immigration guides in multiple languages.
  • Host free legal clinics to increase community engagement and earn backlinks.

Month 5-6:

  • Improve local citations in multilingual directories.
  • See an increase in traffic from the targeted immigrant community.

Results: Justitia Legal saw a 70% increase in traffic from the local immigrant population and a 40% increase in consultations, with the multilingual content significantly contributing to the firm’s growth.

Case Study 5: The Startup Legal Hub, Tech Start-up Attorneys

Background: The Startup Legal Hub wants to tap into the growing market of tech start-ups needing legal advice.

Month 1-2:

  • Focus on keywords related to start-up law and intellectual property.
  • Redesign the site with a modern, start-up-friendly aesthetic.

Month 3-4:

  • Partner with local tech incubators for workshops and backlinks.
  • Start a podcast featuring interviews with successful start-up founders.

Month 5-6:

  • See the podcast become a significant driver of website traffic.
  • Experience an uptick in inquiries from start-up founders.

Results: The Startup Legal Hub’s efforts led to being featured on the first page of search results for ‘tech start-up attorney,’ resulting in a 45% increase in website traffic and a 50% increase in new client consultations.

The Comprehensive Guide to Affordable SEO for Law Firms

The Comprehensive Guide to Affordable SEO for Law Firms

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a crucial aspect of digital marketing, particularly for law firms looking to increase their visibility online. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into strategies and tips to optimize your law firm’s online presence affordably and effectively.

search engine optimization reno nv

Implementing these SEO strategies requires consistent effort and attention to the evolving landscape of search engine algorithms. For attorneys and law firms, staying informed and adapting to these changes is key to a successful SEO campaign that drives traffic and client acquisition.

Call or text Sandy Rowley at 775-870-0488 for a quick SEO assessment.

View Legal SEO Case Study

Let’s explore some advanced SEO strategies, discuss industry trends, and consider hypothetical case studies for attorneys and law firms.

Advanced SEO Strategies for Law Firms

Focus on Local SEO
Local SEO is particularly crucial for law firms as many clients are looking for legal assistance within their geographic location.

– Ensure your firm’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) is consistent across all online platforms.
– Optimize for Google’s “Local Pack” by securing positive reviews and accurate Google My Business listings.
– Use local keywords in your content and meta tags, like “divorce attorney in [City Name]”.

Leverage Content Marketing
Content marketing can help law firms establish authority and engage with potential clients.

– Develop a content calendar that addresses common questions or legal issues relevant to your practice areas.
– Create long-form, informative blog posts that can rank for multiple long-tail keywords.
– Use multimedia content, such as videos and infographics, to explain legal concepts and improve user engagement.

Optimize for Voice Search
As voice search becomes more prevalent, optimizing for natural language queries is essential.

– Use structured data to help search engines understand and display your content in rich snippets.
– Incorporate question-based keywords into your content, which are common in voice searches.
– Ensure your content reads naturally and provides direct answers to potential questions.

SEO Expert for Lawyers

Industry Trends in Legal SEO

Mobile-First Indexing
With Google’s shift to mobile-first indexing, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is no longer optional.

Trend Implications:
– Websites must be responsive and offer a seamless experience on smartphones and tablets.
– Page speed optimization is critical as loading times significantly affect mobile user experience.

AI and Machine Learning
Search engines are increasingly using AI to provide more relevant search results.

Trend Implications:
– Content needs to be more focused on user intent rather than just keywords.
– Engagement metrics like click-through rates and time spent on page are becoming more important for rankings.

Video Content
Video content is becoming a key component of user engagement and SEO.

Trend Implications:
– Law firms can create video content to explain complex legal concepts or to introduce their team.
– Videos can be used to keep users longer on the site, which can signal to search engines that the content is valuable.


SEO Case Studies for Attorneys and Law Firms

Case Study: Family Law Firm’s Local SEO Success
A family law firm in Chicago implemented a robust local SEO strategy, which included claiming their Google My Business listing, gathering client reviews, and creating location-specific content. Within six months, they saw a 150% increase in organic traffic and doubled their client inquiries.

– The firm’s focus on local SEO helped them rank in Google’s Local Pack, which is prominently displayed in local search results.
– Client reviews not only improved their local SEO but also provided social proof to potential clients.

Case Study: Criminal Defense Attorney’s Content Strategy
A criminal defense attorney developed a comprehensive content strategy, creating detailed guides on legal processes and rights. They used keyword research to tailor their content to the queries of their target audience. The strategy led to a 70% increase in organic traffic and a 30% increase in case consultations.

– The attorney’s investment in quality, informative content established them as a thought leader in criminal defense.
– By answering common queries, the attorney’s website became a go-to resource, improving their search rankings.

Case Study: Personal Injury Law Firm’s Video Marketing Campaign
A personal injury law firm invested in a video marketing campaign that provided testimonials and explained legal rights after an accident. They optimized their video titles and descriptions for search and shared them across social media. The campaign led to a 40% increase in website engagement and a significant increase in referrals.

– The video content addressed both the informational needs of potential clients and provided emotional assurance through testimonials.
– By distributing the videos across multiple channels, the firm increased its online visibility and brand recognition.


Implementing these SEO strategies requires consistent effort and attention to the evolving landscape of search engine algorithms. For attorneys and law firms, staying informed and adapting to these changes is key to a successful SEO campaign that drives traffic and client acquisition.


Affordable SEO for Law Firms

Understanding the Basics
To begin with affordable SEO, law firms must understand the foundational elements of SEO, including keyword research, content creation, and link building. By focusing on long-tail keywords that are less competitive, smaller law firms can gain traction in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Actionable Tips
– Implement on-page SEO techniques like optimizing title tags and meta descriptions.
– Create valuable content that addresses common legal inquiries.
– Build local citations and ensure your firm is listed in relevant online directories.

Affordable SEO for Lawyers

Personal Branding and SEO
For individual lawyers, personal branding is key. Your online presence should highlight your expertise and areas of specialization.

Actionable Tips
– Maintain an active blog with insightful legal analysis and updates.
– Engage with your audience on social media platforms.
– Optimize your LinkedIn profile for SEO, using relevant keywords.

Small Law Firm SEO

Playing to Your Strengths
Small law firms can compete with larger firms by focusing on niche markets and local SEO strategies.

Actionable Tips
– Target specific local keywords and phrases.
– Utilize Google My Business to its full potential.
– Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews online.

Law Firm SEO Advisor

Why You Might Need One
An SEO advisor can provide personalized strategies tailored to your firm’s goals and market position.

Actionable Tips
– Choose an advisor with experience in the legal industry.
– Ensure they practice white-hat SEO techniques.
– Set clear goals and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure success.

Attorney SEO Expert

The Role of an Expert
An attorney SEO expert can navigate the complexities of legal terminology and client acquisition through organic search.

Actionable Tips
– Look for experts with a track record of successful campaigns for legal clients.
– Discuss their approach to technical SEO, including site speed and mobile optimization.
– Ensure they understand the ethical considerations of marketing for lawyers.

Law Firm SEO Expert

Integrating SEO with Overall Marketing
A law firm SEO expert should align SEO efforts with your firm’s overall marketing strategy for cohesive growth.

Actionable Tips
– Integrate SEO with social media and email marketing campaigns.
– Regularly review analytics to understand user behavior and optimize accordingly.
– Invest in secure, fast-loading, and mobile-friendly website design.

Lawyer SEO Experts

Staying Ahead of the Curve
SEO experts specializing in legal services stay updated on the latest search engine algorithms and user trends.

Actionable Tips
– Implement schema markup to enhance visibility in search results.
– Use A/B testing to refine your SEO tactics.
– Monitor competitors’ SEO strategies and adjust your tactics accordingly.

Law Firm SEO Consultant

Tailored SEO Strategies
A consultant can provide bespoke advice on how to improve your firm’s search rankings and online presence.

Actionable Tips
– Conduct a thorough SEO audit of your website.
– Develop a content strategy that showcases your firm’s expertise.
– Optimize for voice search and new search technologies.

Best Law Firm SEO Companies

Identifying the Leaders
Research and testimonials can help identify the best SEO companies with a proven track record in the legal field.

Actionable Tips
– Look for case studies and reviews from other law firms.
– Choose a company that offers transparent reporting and communication.
– Ensure they provide comprehensive services, from keyword research to link building.

SEO Law Firm

Building a Reputation
An SEO-optimized website can help build your firm’s reputation as an authoritative source in the legal domain.

Actionable Tips
– Create detailed practice area pages with valuable information.
– Utilize video content to explain complex legal concepts.
– Engage with industry influencers to build high-quality backlinks.

SEO Solicitors

Expanding Your Reach
Solicitors can use SEO to expand their reach to potential clients who are actively searching for legal services.

Actionable Tips
– Highlight client testimonials and case studies.
– Focus on local SEO to attract clients in your geographical area.
– Ensure your website is accessible and complies with ADA standards.

Best SEO Services for Attorneys

Comprehensive Services
The best SEO services for attorneys offer a full suite of options, from on-page optimization to reputation management.

Actionable Tips
– Look for services that offer regular strategy meetings.
– Ensure they provide a dedicated account manager.
– Inquire about their strategies for off-page SEO and local SEO.

Legal SEO Q & A Expert

Call or text Sandy Rowley at 775-870-0488 for a quick SEO assessment.

View Legal SEO Case Study

The Comprehensive Guide to Affordable SEO for Law Firms

Legal SEO FAQ’s

FAQ: Legal SEO

1. What is Legal SEO?
Legal SEO refers to the practice of optimizing a law firm’s website and online presence to improve its visibility in search engine results. It involves various strategies and techniques to attract potential clients who are searching for legal services online.

2. Why is Legal SEO important for law firms?
Legal SEO is crucial for law firms as it helps them increase their online visibility and attract more targeted traffic to their websites. By appearing higher in search engine rankings, law firms can gain a competitive edge and reach a larger audience of potential clients.

3. How does Legal SEO work?
Legal SEO involves implementing various tactics, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, link building, and local SEO, to improve a law firm’s website’s visibility in search engine results. These strategies aim to make the website more relevant and authoritative in the eyes of search engines.

4. Can Legal SEO help my law firm rank higher in search engine results?
Yes, implementing effective Legal SEO strategies can significantly improve your law firm’s ranking in search engine results. By optimizing your website and online presence, you can increase your chances of appearing on the first page of search results, where most users tend to click.

5. What are some key components of Legal SEO?
Some essential components of Legal SEO include optimizing your website’s meta tags and descriptions, creating high-quality and relevant content, building authoritative backlinks, improving website loading speed, and ensuring mobile responsiveness.

6. How long does it take to see results from Legal SEO efforts?
The time it takes to see results from Legal SEO efforts can vary depending on various factors, such as the competitiveness of your target keywords, the quality of your optimization strategies, and the overall state of your website. Generally, it may take a few months to start seeing noticeable improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic.

7. Can I do Legal SEO myself, or should I hire a professional?
While it is possible to perform Legal SEO on your own, hiring a professional SEO agency or specialist can greatly enhance your chances of success. SEO experts have the knowledge, experience, and tools to implement effective strategies and keep up with the ever-changing search engine algorithms.

8. Are there any risks associated with Legal SEO?
Although Legal SEO is generally considered a safe and legitimate practice, there are risks involved if unethical or black hat SEO techniques are employed. These can lead to penalties from search engines, such as Google, which can severely impact your website’s visibility. It is crucial to follow ethical SEO practices and stay updated with search engine guidelines.

9. How can local SEO benefit my law firm?
Local SEO is an essential aspect of Legal SEO, especially for law firms targeting clients within a specific geographic area. By optimizing your website for local search, you can increase your visibility in local map listings and attract potential clients who are searching for legal services in your area.

10. Where can I find reliable Legal SEO services?
To find reliable Legal SEO services, you can research and compare different SEO agencies or specialists. Look for testimonials, case studies, and a proven track record of success in the legal industry. Additionally, seek recommendations from other law firms or professionals who have had positive experiences with SEO providers.

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm SEO

🚀 Want to take your small legal firm to new heights? Looking to attract a whopping 100k monthly visits to your website? It’s time to boost your online visibility with effective SEO strategies! 📈

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business, including law firms. With the right SEO techniques, you can optimize your website for relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and build authoritative backlinks to skyrocket your online visibility.

But why is SEO so important for legal firms? Well, let’s face it, the legal industry is highly competitive. With countless law firms vying for the attention of potential clients, it’s essential to stay ahead in the game. By implementing SEO strategies, you can ensure that your firm stands out from the crowd and attracts the right audience.

So, how can you start scaling your small legal firm using SEO? First and foremost, optimizing your website for relevant keywords is crucial. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases potential clients are searching for. By incorporating these keywords strategically throughout your website, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

But it’s not just about stuffing your website with keywords. Quality content is key! 🌐 Creating informative, engaging, and valuable content that addresses the needs and concerns of your target audience is essential. By consistently producing high-quality blog posts, articles, and resources, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in the legal industry and attract organic traffic to your website.

However, SEO doesn’t stop at keywords and content. Building authoritative backlinks is another crucial aspect. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, search engines perceive your website as trustworthy and authoritative. This, in turn, improves your chances of ranking higher in SERPs and attracting more organic traffic.

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, staying updated with the latest trends and algorithms is vital. Search engines like Google frequently update their algorithms to provide users with the most relevant and valuable search results. By staying informed and adapting your SEO strategies accordingly, you can ensure that your website remains visible and competitive.

So, if you’re ready to take your small legal firm to new heights, it’s time to prioritize SEO. Boost your online visibility, optimize your website for relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and build authoritative backlinks. 💼 Stay ahead in the legal game and watch as your website attracts a whopping 100k monthly visits!

#SEO #LegalMarketing

Call or text Legal SEO Expert Sandy Rowley @ 775-870-0488.

Affordable Law Firm SEO Expert

Affordable SEO Lawyers

Sandy Rowley – Legal SEO Expert with 23+ years experience in ranking websites in competitive niches. She can be reached at

775-870-0488.  Listen to more Legal SEO advice on my podcast.

Average monthly investment for Law Firm SEO starts at $1900 pm.


Why does SEO out perform PPC ad budgets?

Law Firm SEO can be very competitive and expensive.

Most Pay Per Click or Adword marketing campaigns for attorneys start at $50 a click!


Although PPC (pay per click) advertising on Google is the best way to reach clients online, the budgets required to compete with larger law firms can be very cost prohibitive. Average PPC budgets for law firms ranking on the top spots in Google can start at $5,000 – $85,000 per month plus the 15 – 20% monthly fee to manage the PPC campaign.

Why would these law firms spend so much on PPC campaigns?

Because, they work! Google search is the fastest way to reach new clients online. This search engine is heads and tails above directories, social networks and other search engines and should be your law firms #1 focus for online leads.

If your law firm needs a more affordable SEO solution, continue reading.

Whats a small and/or new law firm to do?

Organic SEO or search engine optimization is the art and science of ranking a page on  your law firms website, at the top of the Google SERPS (search engine results page).

Ranking a page from your website for a relevant keyword can send qualified leads to your business every week.

These webpages that rank for a keyword or key phrase in the Google SERPS, will be your best bet to gain quality leads for your website. Organic ‘clicks’ are free. Google does not charge per click like they do for their paid ads like these below:

cheap seo for lawyers

In order to rank for ‘affordable lawyer’ in Google, you can expect to pay well over $40 per click. By ranking your website for this keyword phrase, you can get those clicks for free (minus my flat monthly SEO Fee).

These unlimited free clicks are how small law firms catch up to the big guys and gals in their city or area of practice.

Most large law firms focus on the shot gun approach when ranking their online websites and profiles. With huge marketing budgets, they aim to rank for everything in site. This is a waste of valuable resources especially when your law firm could laser focus in on the keywords that will bring in the best clients suited for your law practice.

Local SEO for law firms can range in price from $2000 a month and up.  This organic SEO service will rank your websites for the free click sections of Google search. Having a set monthly fee helps small law firms keep a close watch on their marketing spend each month. Pairing this with easy to read monthly keyword ranking reports, your law firm can quickly assess the value of your ongoing SEO marketing efforts.

For about $65 a day, your online SEO campaigns can bring in thousands of dollars worth of client work.

The return on investment is very high for law firms use affordable seo services.

The simplest way to estimate lifetime value of a client for a law firm:

Plug actual or estimated (if you’re in the planning stages or just starting out) numbers into the following equation:

(Average Value of a Sale) X (Number of Repeat Transactions) X (Average Retention Time in Months or Years for a Typical Customer)

The lifetime value (LTV) of a customer for a small law firm, given your parameters, would be $525,000. This is calculated as follows:

$35,000(Average Value of a Sale)×3(Number of Repeat Transactions)×5years(Average Retention Time)=$525,000

A valuable SEO campaign takes time and constant upgrades, changes and testing. Clients who work with me often see rankings within the first month of solid SEO work.

After 3 – 6 months of SEO ranking work, my law firm clients are already ranking for top keywords and seeing quality leads calling into the firm.

Most legal SEO clients opt for a PPC and Organic SEO campaign to optimize the amount of qualified leads coming through their website and/or phone line.

All N One Bail Bonds in Memphis Tn uses my SEO and PPC services to totally dominate Google search for their most profitable keywords. Their bail bonding company ranks #2, #3, #4 and #10 on a consistent basis!

Pay Per Click is only one of the spots taken on the front page of Google search for this bail company.

The rest of the rankings are in the ‘free clicks’ sections of the search engine results page.


SEO & PPC can really increase your bottom line if done correctly.  I know there are thousands of SEO companies and experts to choose from. I only need a handful of law firms to work with. My small businesses success depends on providing great results for my clients. I cannot hide behind thousands of paid fake reviews like the large law firm SEO companies can.

Each law firm client I take on, is added to my daily list of research, strategy updates, missed opportunities and ranking positions work. My monthly reports are easy to read and easy for you to track your live results in Google search.

All of my PPC and SEO services include website design, updates, email marketing and social media work that needs to work seamlessly in order to provide the top ranking results I provide.

Although I can work with your existing web designer, I prefer to have my own user/pass to login and track who updated what and when.

Ethical SEO includes on site SEO work as well as off site promotional tactics and strategies.

I am easy to work with and very responsive to answering the phone, text and emails. YOUR law firm is MY TOP PRIORITY. My 26+ years experience in working in the online marketing industry has been one of constant change and learning. I have the knowledge and expertise to rank almost any website in your niche as well as the proven track record of my work.

Lets start by reviewing your existing website, social sites and online directory profiles against your local competitors and their PPC / SEO campaigns. Come up with a marketing strategy that is reasonable and affordable… then implement our strategy asap.

I look forward to learning more about your law practice and how best I can help grow your business.

Call, text or email anytime,

Legal SEO Q & A Expert

Sandy Rowley

Legal SEO Expert



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