Here Are 7 Things SEO Content Writers Think About Before They Write An Article

Here Are 7 Things SEO Content Writers Think About Before They Write An Article

It’s time to take your company to the next level.

You’ve tried personalized pens, cute social media posts, and fresh business cards, but nothing seems to be boosting business as it should. It can be a frustrating place to be in as a company owner.

Luckily for you, there are people who are SEO content writers. Search engine optimization sounds scary, but trust us, it’s worth it.

They are intelligent, creative, and always down for a challenge so you know you need to add them to your team. If you want to get in their head a little more, above are 7 things they always think of before writing an article. Make sure to keep reading!

1. The Audience

Quite obviously, thinking about the consumers of the content is important. Many companies love their products and talk about them but forget who they are talking to most of the time.

The first major step of creating SEO content is looking at a targeted demographic. Are they old or young? Are they city-dwellers, male, female, parents, home-owners, etc?

Knowing your audience is critical but knowing how to reach them effectively is also important. If you’re trying to sell a new pressure washer to homeowners, there’s probably no sense in describing the physics and science behind how it works.

Just let them know it works and what sorts of applications they could use it on. They probably aren’t concerned about mechanics as long as it does the job. That’s why you need people who know how to advertise to an audience.

2. The Research

People want good information, and people want facts to back it up. One of the main components of SEO writing pieces is reliable evidence. This not only means doing the research, it means finding credible sources.

SEO content writers know where to look and how to look when it comes to doing the research. They can sift through articles, statistics, and pages of information and pull out the parts they need.

They work in the facts to new pieces and always give credit where it’s due. Hard, cold facts will take your advertisement to the next level. This is one reason you need a professional SEO consultant.

3. The Clarity

If someone can’t read and understand your writing, they definitely aren’t going to buy your service or product. An SEO content writer is concerned about the readability of every piece.

They don’t type like they’re speaking to a toddler, but they make sure the writing is easy to digest and doesn’t overwhelm anyone. You’re less likely to read something if it’s 25 paragraphs of dense information.

Professional writers know how to properly breakdown and present information for those viewing. Make yourself presentable and approachable with a content writer.

4. The Keywords

Targeted keywords are the words your desired audience is typing into the search bar. You want to include these words to boost any content you publish. Good SEO writing effectively uses keywords.

Notice the word “effectively”. This means they aren’t using the keywords excessively or placing them where they seem awkward. The writers are intentionally choosing words they can naturally work into a piece.

They can find these words by observing potential customers and conducting surveys.

5. The Visuals

Most people can agree a picture is more appealing than a few lines of words. While the words contain important information, an SEO content writer is going to find the visuals you need to draw in people.

These visuals can include things like graphs, photographs, and video. Good writers will choose visual content that compliments the writing and keeps the audience interested.

Graphs project information in a way that’s easier to understand for people. If you’re trying to report statistics of the success of a new product, work a bar graph into the mix. It’ll give you a fair bump up in the competition.

6. The Analytics

Accurate reports and numbers are absolutely critical and content writers understand. Why are they important?

Without accurate understandings of how your content is performing, you can’t improve on weaknesses. There’s always room for improvement, and you need to be aware of what you need to improve.

Take time quarterly to evaluate how certain keywords are performing, how many people are reading your content, and if people are clicking on the links you provide. All of these things contribute to your success.

Once an SEO writer has the information he or she needs, keywords can be shifted if need be. Especially if you’re in a growing industry, keywords can shift and transform often.

7. The Actual Content

Nothing is as important as the actual meat of the content you’re presenting to the audience. Every word should be chosen carefully and should have a place in the piece.

When creating content, writers think about length, angles, and effectiveness.

As far as length, it’s important to find the appropriate word count. Not giving enough information could write you off as not knowing what you’re talking about. Giving too much information could bore people.

When it comes to angles, topics should create multiple conversations and encourage people to do their own thinking. You want to be straightforward while also allowing openings for different facets.

Effectiveness is judging how well the content is getting across to the audience. Are they understanding the information? Are they taking action using the information?

All of these elements can make or break the success of a piece. A great SEO content writer will know what to do with all of it to rake in wins.

Hire SEO Content Writers

Not everyone understands search engine optimization (SEO), and that’s okay. It’s why you need SEO content writers. They can take your service to where it needs to be.

From keywords to visuals to content, they work magic when reaching audiences. Above are only some of the things content writers think about before sitting down to write a piece. Even though it’s only part of it, it’s enough to show you why you need to hire one.

If you need help with marketing, SEO, or design, make sure you request a quote.

What Exactly Will An SEO Expert Do For You?

What Exactly Will An SEO Expert Do For You?

“SEO is the fastest way to solifify a businesses authority in any given market…”

Sandy Rowley Shopify SEO Expert

By 2020, research shows that businesses will spend $80 billion dollars on SEO. If you’re going to put out big bucks on SEO, you want to know what you’re getting.

Since you want to know what you’re getting, you ask, “what is an SEO specialist?” and “What am I going to get out of these SEO efforts?” These are great questions and if a service you’re working with won’t tell you what they’re doing – run the other way!

Continue reading this article to learn what true SEO specialist will do for your business.

What Is an SEO Specialist?

An SEO specialist is a professional that keeps up with the latest and great in the SEO world. SEO stands for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is the practice of helping your website get to the top of the search engines such as Yahoo, Bing and the almighty big G – Google.

Common Best Practices for SEO

Here are some of the things you can expect your SEO specialist to do for you when they start working on your campaign. While you might need an SEO specialist, you should know not everyone operates the same way. Some companies operate differently than what we mention below and you should know we can’t speak for all SEO companies.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important things you need to do before you even get started on your SEO. You need to focus on getting specific terms mastered so you can get to the top of the search engines.

An SEO specialist uses various tools to look at metrics for keywords. If the metrics are favorable, it is time to see where in the buyer cycle these keywords are. Even if a keyword is a high volume keyword, if there is little to no buyer intent, you likely don’t want to target this keyword.

If you have more time to build your base and can wait to get more clients, you may target keywords that are further up the funnel. There are more keywords at the top of the funnel where people are searching for information but it can take a long time for them to convert.

If you’re a local business, the SEO specialist will help you determine which local terms you need to focus on. If you’re a lawyer, you might find that there are more people searching for XYZ city attorney vs. XYZ attorney. If that’s the case, your specialist will advise you to focus on the term with the highest search volume.

Link Building Activities

Link building is one of the major points of SEO. Link building is getting other websites to link to your website. There are good ways to do this and bad ways to do this.

A true SEO specialist will do this through what is called white hat SEO while less than reputable people may try black hat methods. Black hat methods are spammy and won’t render long term results.

Some of the ways a good SEO specialist will build links are the following:

  • Guest posting
  • Broken link building
  • Press releases
  • Citation building

Guest posting is when you or someone else guest posts on your behalf. When you guest post, the website will link back to your site within the article. You may get an in-context link or you may get a link in the author bio.

Before you commit to doing a guest post, make sure to ask where the link will be. An in-context link is worth more than a link in an author bio.

Broken link building is when you find sites that have broken links on their sites that linked to similar content. Your content may be helpful to replace this information thus giving you a link from this website.

Press releases can get you hundreds of links from sites all over news websites. Even though the content is the same, you’ll still get credit for the links.

Citation building is important, especially if your business is a local business. Citations let search engines know where your business is located so you will show up in the right place in the search engines.

On Page Optimization

While link building is important, on page optimization shouldn’t be ignored. If you ignore on page optimization, search engines will be confused about your site. Without on page optimization, your website isn’t likely to make it ways in front of any of your target audience.

What is on page optimization?

A couple of things you need to pay attention to when you want to get SEO results with on-page SEO is your metadata and your alt text. Your metadata is things like your page title and description. Alt text is text that shows up in case a photo doesn’t load.

When you want to rank for a keyword, include the keyword in the title, description and alt text of images on the page.

Reputation Management

A good SEO company isn’t going to allow you to rank your website with a low rating. You need to work on getting a higher rating if you have low stars or even a lack of reviews.

Most of the time companies have enough business to get the ratings they need, it is just a matter of getting the customers to leave their reviews. When you make it easy for customers to leave reviews or simply ask, you are going to get a much better response.

Get the Help That You Need

Now that you have the answer to your question, “What is an SEO specialist?” and you understand a little more about what they do, you likely have more confidence in the service.

Understanding what SEO is and how it works can be complex, but we’ve done our best to break it down in simple terms. Most people need help with their SEO efforts. If you need help with SEO, contact us today for a free SEO audit.

Webdesign & SEO

Webdesign & SEO

SEO is a Part of All Good Web Design and Here’s Why

New websites can often lead to less traffic for one major reason: web design and SEO go hand-in-hand.

Quality web design starts by determining what will bring people to your site. When people Google something, you want to make sure your website is the first thing they see.

So an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is vital for any online business, and it should be implemented within the web design process, not afterward.

This means that the way your website looks is the second part of the web design process, and it is just as important. Here are some traits of good web design.

Starting with the SEO

Good SEO means knowing your business well. Before writing the first line of HTML code, designers should know what will drive traffic to the website.

SEO does not stop at keywords, however. An effective SEO strategy accounts for the ways other websites will link to it and makes content easily parsable. The best SEO strategies also have the best content.

Basically, before designing the user experience, good web designers will consider how the website will reach the user.

Designers should try to ensure that websites are relevant and applicable to whatever the user is searching for, and are presented to them before other websites.

Designing for the User

After figuring out how to get information to users, web designers should make sure their websites presentable.

You could have everything a user could ever need on your website, but it would not matter if users can’t navigate it.

Difficult user experiences can doom a website, no matter how effective its SEO strategy is. Users will simply leave a webpage if they can’t use it.

So while designers must consider the website’s content, they must also find ways to make it presentable while staying true to their client’s web design branding. A website about something like make-up probably should not have an impact font, and tech blogs may not want to use a Jacques and Gilles typeface.

Designers should also stay ahead of the curve in web design, which includes designing websites for mobile.

Knowing How Web Design and SEO Go Together

Google mentioned recently that it favors responsive designs for mobile platforms over adaptive designs, and designers should keep that in mind while building websites.

So while users may enjoy scrolling through many pages at once and it can be a neat gimmick, the design loads a website’s URL with keywords and raises SEO alarms. This can harm the website’s SEO ranking in ways that responsive design do not.

An SEO audit can help show you how your design is impacting your ranking.

A seemingly good design choice can negatively impact the overall website, which is why web design and SEO should not be treated separately. They go together to make a successful website.

Making Your Web Design and SEO Work

SEO is an important part of any web design, and it should be a part of any web design process. No designer should neglect a website’s SEO strategy while building the actual web pages since SEO can make or break a business.

You can contact us if you want to view your current SEO rating, or if you want to know how to improve your web design and SEO strategy.

Free Website Grader

Complete SEO Audit Questions Below

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  4. Common errors that are holding your website back.
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Your companies website is the single most important part of your marketing plan, period. Is your website working correctly? Does your competitors seem to out rank you at every turn? Usually there are a few simple marketing items that need updating in order to really kick your SEO rankings into over drive.  Give me a call to discuss. I can be reached at 775-870-0488.

How many times a day are you missing out on qualified leads through Google, Yahoo, Bing and others? Give me a quick phone call to find out. I have SEO Software that gives me a good idea of just how many people a month in our area are searching for the products and services you sell.

This precise accuracy has helped my SEO clients increase their bottom line within  a few months or less.

SEO is a valuable marketing service that will help grow your business for years to come.

Have a look at my SEO & Web Design reviews on Google below… 

Jill Mitchell

a week ago
I’m so impressed with the value I received from my marketing session with Sandy. She combines long experience, technical know-how, a broad range of application and has a lovely creative side. Her pricing is fair and affordable (unusual in her field) which is very appreciated. I look forward to working with her again and recommend her services enthusiastically.
Response from the owner
a week ago

Jill the pleasure was all mine. I am excited to see the growth for Le Trip’s shopping tours in 2017. Your clients adore you and the passion you have for all things France is contagious. Looking forward to following your Love Letters from France email list. I can just imagine sitting on a warm beach in Aix en Provence next Spring! Keep me in the loop on this latest marketing campaign. I would like to share with my followers on Pinterest. They are going to LOVE following your blog on French Shopping Tours.

Travis Moore

in the last week
Absolutely fantastic. After working with multiple companies, hours and hours of research, and nothing but excuses money and time, all it took was working with the right people. The nightmare that used to be SEO is long gone. Marketing your company should not be a DIY project. Thank you Sandy for your incredible work!! Can not recommend enough.
Response from the ownerin the last week

OMG Travis! What a great review. I love working with your and your team and looking forward to really kicking SEO Butt in Reno for all words related to Bail Bonds… Your company rocks! Happy to help anytime.

Dan Rauch

a week ago
What a great job! Pleasure to work with. Smart & Responsible. She’s mine, all mine. Excited to launch my new website for Towelster!
Response from the ownerin the last week

LOL thank you Dan! You were so easy to work with. I look forward to seeing your company Towelster, grow in the coming months.

Norman Smith

a week ago
I will unconditional recommend Reno SEO marketing and Design. We engaged Sandy and her team to refresh our old outdated website. There were conditions that included her working with just general guidelines since we were not sure what we wanted. She came through for Sciron Consulting and we could not be happier with the clean design ease of navigation and the increase in activity
Response from the owner a week ago

Thank you Norman! Your team at Sciron Consulting always keeps me on my toes. I look forward to the next project. and appreciate your consulting help with the start ups in the office.

gemini howzit

in the last week
Sandy is a great asset to any marketing endeavor! She optimized our Google presence, increased our ratings, and did it quickly and professionally! Looking forward to future work!

Vix Hawg

in the last week
Sandy with Reno SEO, Marketing and Design is amazing. She handles all of my Website and SEO needs flawlessly. I have seen our numbers grow and page by page. She has earned my trust and gratitude 10 fold. I will be referring everyone that asks
Response from the ownerin the last week

Very happy to be working for you and your team. Always here if you need anything. All the best!!!!

Jonathan Sarmenta
in the last week

Can’t recommend Sandy Rowley enough. She’s the real deal and has been doing SEO the right way for years. Fast, reliable search engine optimization advice that’s tailored to your business’s needs. She understands online marketing and stays ahead of the game.

She is an SEO authority and as someone who’s in the business of growing other businesses (I run a new local coworking space called Fusion@Midtown Premier Coworking), her expertise is indispensable. I’m happy to say that having Sandy in our shared workspace has driven us up the rankings in a matter of days and boosted our online visibility almost instantly.

If you want a friendly SEO expert who can help guide you through the new digital marketing jungle, just ask for Sandy Rowley.

Response from the owner in the last week

You are welcome Jonathan! I love working at Fusion@Midtown. Very thankful to be working with such a great community of startups, small business owners and creative artists. Reno is so lucky to have such a great co working space. Excited to see how much you grow in 2017. Keep up the great work! Reno businesses need your services for sure.

Reno SEO & Marketing
800 Haskell Street
Reno, Nv 89509

Voted best SEO company in the state of Nevada.


Reno SEO Company Results Up 1000%

SEO Company Reno

“We are excited to see such great results from a local Reno SEO company.”

Located in Reno Nv.

Local Reno Dentist Firm Lost All of their rankings…. Sandy Rowley SEO, got it back. 😉

Tools used in this SEO case study:

1. – test your websites speed. Should load in under 4 seconds.

2. Uber Suggest Keyword Research Tool – Test your websites rankings, free. Your website should rank on the first page of Google (positions 1 – 10) for relevant keywords related to your industry.

3. Free SEO Audit by Sandy Rowley –

Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design 450 Sinclair St, Reno, Nv 89509 Ask for Sandy Rowley 775-870-0488.

Voted best SEO Company in Reno

Sandy Rowley and her team have extensive knowledge and experience with digital marketing. For over 23 years, Rowley and her local team of marketing experts have helped thousands of Reno area businesses rank their websites online.

Some clients include:

Greater Nevada Field

Gino The Soup Man

LakeCrest Builders LLC

Wiring Products LLC


Pigeon Loans

SIZL Burger

Burger Me

State of Nevada STEM

and thousands of ecommerce businesses throughout Northern Nevada and the US. 

SEO Company Case Study

Fusion@Midtown is an up and coming co-working space located in downtown Reno. RWDR was asked to increase the website traffic to their newly designed website, Sandy Rowley is the leading SEO Expert in Reno.

“We have had a lot of compliments on the design and layout of our new website, but little to no traffic.” Jon Sarmenta Fusion@Midtown Director.


Jon did a fantastic job on the design for the co-working website, but was frustrated at the lack of sign ups for tours of his new co-working space in MidTown. Reno SEO Company.

“We made the decision to speak with a local SEO expert, recommended by The Cube Incubator next door. Sandy with RWDR assessed our website and pointed out a few items we needed to update the website as well as some off site SEO tips.  In less than 2 weeks, we landed our first paid client from our website. Sandy is so easy to work with. I am very pleased with the results.” Jon Sarmenta.

RWDR started the SEO work on October 17th 2016 and within a two week period, Fusion@Midtown has seen a sharp increase in new website traffic and leads to their website.

Reno SEO Company

“Our internet marketing strategy is one highly focused on driving relevant traffic to a specific purpose. Most SEO companies take the shot gun approach to SEO and end up hurting their clients rankings down the road with poor quality traffic and leads. Slow and steady wins the race in safe marketing tactics. Our goal is to help your business succeed for many years to come.” Sandy Rowley, Lead Marketing Expert RWDR.

Reno SEO Company

In less than 2 weeks of solid SEO work, RWDR has returned a positive 1000% ROI for Fusion@Midtown.

Although SEO companies should never guarantee results, RWDR has a pretty good track record of making our clients website marketing efforts, earn their keep.

“Branding is helpful, but a small business can’t keep the lights on with a cool logo and website. You need real paying customers. RWDR focuses on that important key metric in all successful businesses.” RWDR Sandy Rowley.

RWDR’s primary goal is to be a strong team member within your business. We sit down, face to face, ask questions, research your competitors, find out where your best customers are online and come up with a custom marketing plan and implementation that has a proven track record of success for our clients. Reno SEO Agency.

What does an SEO Strategy Session look like?

The first step is for us to speak over the phone for about 15 minutes. Talk about your needs. Set a date to meet in person.

At our first meeting, RWDR team will review your website, your top 5 competitor websites as well as any analytics data you have on hand to determine the amount of SEO work needed to help you gain more clients from your website.

“We discuss your business goals, likes and dislikes about your current website and marketing tactics… we really get to know what is special about your company and employees.” Sandy Rowley RWDR

Reno SEO Company – Site Review

  1. Website review and audit
  2. Email marketing efforts
  3. Social Profiles
  4. Top 5 competitors
  5. Ideal customer profiles
  6. Analytics & Data existing on your hosting environment.
  7. Successful or not so much, traditional marketing efforts.
  8. Does staff need one on one training?

Most large SEO firms have a template marketing plan that they execute, over and over again to thousands of clients across different channels. We at RWDR, a local Reno SEO Company, we focus on one client at a time. We make it our purpose at the beginning of each week to increase your sales. This focus and small business size allows us the freedom to create one on one marketing plans and solutions that speed up the ROI process for most businesses. Where, larger SEO companies have not a clue how to really help increase your sales. Your business is just another case number with robot like customer service hoping that their one size really does fit all.

“We hear so many horror stories of small businesses spending thousands of dollars a month only to learn that the SEO company was sending fake traffic to their website.” Sandy Rowley

Our focus is different. We are actually on the ground, researching what works, what did not work and constantly improving on last months numbers. Our numbers are not just traffic to your website, but actual sales, email sign ups and/or leads from real live humans. This type of strategy can take an investment of time, but the dividends totally pay off for years to come.

Fusion@Midtown continues to see more traffic and sign ups for tours of their co-working space in Reno. I am excited to be apart of their success, this is what i thrive upon. I look forward to working with a few more local clients and adding to our success case studios. Give Sandy a call today at 775-870-0488 to learn more.

Partner with a local Reno SEO Company that cares about your success. Look for us in mid town Reno, located inside The Innevation Center on 450 Sinclair Street, Reno Nv. 

If you need a SEO expert in Reno Nevada, consider contacting Sandy Rowley for a consultation.

SEO is a common topic when it comes to search engine optimization. Ranking in the top positions on the search engine result pages gives businesses more exposure and increased revenue potential. Sandy Rowley is an expert with over 20 years of experience in SEO and web design. He has been the lead SEO professional at many companies over the years and continues to provide innovative solutions for all kinds of digital marketing needs.

SEO expert, Sandy Rowley, has been in the industry for over 25 years and is known for her expertise in seo.

SEO has become an increasingly important aspect of digital marketing. Especially for small businesses who want to get the most out of their online presence. There are many things to consider when you optimize your site for search engines. One of the most important is keyword research, which will determine how your site appears in search results.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is accomplished by optimizing a website’s content so that it will rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). The majority of SEO firms offer services that use keywords, back linking, page ranking and social media marketing to optimize websites so they rank higher on SERPs.

Though it is not always easy to find an SEO expert, there are many good ones out there. One of the most reputed and experienced SEO experts in Reno Nevada is Sandy Rowley.

She has more than 23 years of experience in the field, and he has helped many businesses to grow their online presence. Though he works with all kinds of business, her specialty is small businesses with less than 10 employees.


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Reno SEO Company you can trust…

Our reviews, speak volumes about our SEO and Web Design services.

Located in Reno Nv.

Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design
450 Sinclair St,
Reno, Nv 89509