Market Your First Book or Your Seventh! TMCC Marketing Class 2020

Truckee Meadows Community College Reno

Discover how to generate interest in your book through proven online marketing techniques. Learn methods to cultivate sales and build relationships with fans and other potential customers. Gain expert advice on how you can get the most out of websites, email, social media, analytics and search engine features.

RSVP here:

Marketing Your 1st Book or Your 7th! Reno TMCC
Special guest, Sandy Rowley, a leading digital marketing and web design expert based out of Reno Nevada, will share one on one expert marketing strategies for 30 minutes. Bring your toughest marketing questions for this live round table discussion. 775-870-0488
#renoseo #renowebdesign #renomarketing

Content Marketing Ideas for Small Business: The Ultimate Guide

Content Marketing Ideas for Small Business: The Ultimate Guide

A great content marketing strategy is an invaluable asset in establishing a successful small business. So, what constitutes content marketing?

Essentially, content marketing means promoting one’s content on various platforms in order to get the desired exposure. It is crucial for small businesses to lay the groundwork of consistent customer flow which content marketing enables you to do.

As you might know, creating an original content surely is not an easy feat to achieve. There is a myriad of things one should take into account:

  1. Engagement. Engaging content is as precious as gold itself. On the Internet engaging means are lucrative. Therefore, producing content that is both accessible and alluring is of a high degree of importance.
  2. Relevancy. Following a trend is not always a good idea. Sometimes, treading off the beaten path is the way to accomplish what you desire. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t tweak and tune your content based on the current trend standings. Refining and honing one’s content is an ever-present practice in content marketing.
  3. Inspiration. There is a marked difference between drawing inspiration from something or someone and outright duplicating someone’s content. Inspiration ought to be the initial push that acts as stimulus in creating a unique content piece.


It is wise to consider ideas as products of inspiration. With proper resources to extract inspiration from, one can ensure a constant generator of ideas. Now, what content marketing ideas small businesses should take advantage of? We shall look at different ways to reinvigorate the staleness of the matter and help you achieve success.


Producing a Thoughtful and Firm Blog Post


First and foremost, the crux of your content is a well thought out and pensive stream of text. The challenge here is, as was already mentioned, to make it engaging and buoyant, thus granting you the ability to reach a wider customer base. The hallmarks of interesting and structured text starts with the headline.


Your headline is, unironically, the head and face of your blog that imparts to your viewers the first impression of what your text might be about. There is even a study showing that 6 in 10 people share links based on the headline and not the content itself. This makes the gravity of coming up with catchy and trendy headlines even more serious.


Writing should be an embodiment of your character. It should not act as a farce and facade. Frank and candid writing will garner a much higher success rate than a disingenuous one. Another valid point worth mentioning is conciseness. Treat your writing as a sword that leaves small but deep cuts. It should be piercing and accurate rather than long-winded and bland.


The visual appeal of the blog is oftentimes sidelined, although it’s an aspect that incurs a significant contribution to the “clinginess” the viewer has. Blogs with appropriately accompanied multi-media will incentivize a visitor to spend more time on the page, which is even more valuable if you are conducting an Internet business. Because the more time a customer spends on your blog, the higher is chance of them making a purchase.


Help From Professionals


Sometimes all we need is a little bit of outside help to jolt us in the right direction. There is nothing wrong in asking for constructive criticism or relying on someone to prod you further. Incidentally, as we live in the age of the Internet, we are quite fortunate to have at our disposal the various services that can provide the opportunity for ourselves to offload.


Services like LinksManagement can be of great convenience at times of “content crisis” or as a simple boost-up that gives you an inspirational pat on the shoulder. For a relatively small investment you can expect your business to sprite up and, consequently, guide it to further success yourself. That’s the beauty of services like that.


They take the weight off of you and give you a golden opportunity to spread your wings a wee bit freely taking into consideration other matters that can potentially arise. So, if you are stuck, there is nothing embarrassing about asking for professional help. Especially, if it concerns the SEO side of things that requires a substantial amount of time to dabble in yourself.


Social Media Content Marketing


The social media ecosystem is unimaginably big in scope. Therefore, omitting social media influence is a cardinal sin that you don’t want to commit. Why is social media marketing is so integral? It is not only the scope but also the multitude of needs that are waiting to be fulfilled and explored.


Social media is probably the biggest avenue to establish connections in. It will prove itself helpful in finding sponsors, investors, or merely curious individuals ready to acquire your product or service. It is no wonder then that many small businesses start their success stories on places like Facebook or Instagram, as it provides an average user an unprecedented outreach to promote their business.


As in all aspects of content marketing strategies, social media platforms are only vessels that need content and engagement to float. Thus, determining your initial goals, expectations, and theme should take precedence over other yet inessential things.


After establishing your route, it is advisable to choose the platform that would best suit your content. For instance, if your business revolves around clothes, shoes, or accessories, you might be willing to explore the valleys of Instagram rather than, for example, LinkedIn. Although, merging and combining the best of both worlds is also an option. As both Facebook and Instagram work great in tandem and can complement each other greatly. According to statistics, high-quality retouched photos attract three times more attention to a post or an ad.


In social media marketing, it is crucial to be consistent and ubiquitous. Monitoring and checking existing or nascent trends should be considered as a day-to-day practice since social media is a rapidly-changing environment that requires constant care.




There are quite a slew of factors at play but the most important one is to remember that with a novel and unique content complemented with proper graphical addendums you can expect your business to grow untamed. Your main goal should be to pursue great and original content creation since it is the very factor that has the biggest impact on your business’ success.



Digital Business Models during Covid 19

Digital Business Models during Covid 19

Evolution of Online Business Models

Are “as-a-service” digital business models here to stay? Customer values are projected to shift in the post-COVID era, and a direct-to-consumer world may require an online presence for both products and experiences.

It’s hard to think ahead when we are up to our necks in the misery and fear of a pandemic, but every CEO should be focused not just on how to survive, but how to thrive in the COVID-era. I say era because this is not a passing phase, but a new reality.
COVID is accelerating many societal and technology shifts and reversing others. The COVID-era is a technology-driven era with widespread and often forced adoption of trends like work-from-home, online retail, pickup/delivery services, entertainment-as-a-service, telemedicine (well, tele-you-name-it), and machine-learning. Embodied in this change are deep behavioral shifts that, even given a decade, might never have reached these proportions. Enabling nearly all of these shifts is an “… as-a-service (XaaS)” capability be it data, infrastructure, platform, software, or experience. XaaS was already on it’s way to becoming a juggernaut, with a market value of $93.8 billion in 2018 and projected to triple to $344.3 billion by 2024, but it’s now on a whole new COVID-triggered upswing.

These XaaS enabled remote service paradigms are here to stay, maybe not at today’s artificially enforced levels, but to a significant degree all the same. Everyone now knows the perils of work-from-home, but they know the benefits too. As the COVID-era continues to require social distancing for some time, we can’t all go back to the cramped office. And why should we? I hate to see the airline industry in turmoil, but I can’t say that I’ve missed air travel. Now everyone knows just how easy it is to get your groceries or your food delivered, and contactless at that. I miss the big screen, but I’ll settle for great content, 65” TV, and homemade popcorn if I can share the experience with all my friends wherever they are.

But the current change is not just a digital transformation to cloud and consumerized applications, it’s also a behavioral transformation. Forward thinking businesses are seizing this unprecedented opportunity to pause the growth/execution treadmill and imagine a new value/ideation opportunity. Whole teams have been liberated from soul-destroying wash-rinse-repeat cycles and are free to think through new ideas. For better or worse, companies are also leaner and more agile, having been forced to transform their business in order to thrive.

Adapt both your product and your experience

So, what do CEOs need to re-imagine in their business going forward as we enter a new XaaS powered world? First and foremost the COVID-era is a direct-to-consumer world where you may be literally bringing your offering right into the consumer’s home. For B2B, that means an acceleration of the consumerization of the enterprise and often means a self-serve experience with a consultative sales model. Your offering needs to be consumable over the internet. Not only do your products need to be available as-a-service, but so does your experience. Some call it experience-as-a-service. Paid or free, it’s about helping customers understand how to leverage your offering to meet their own transition. Self-serve models are the most scalable but rely heavily on great product experiences.



Reno Advertising Companies

Reno Advertising Companies

Taking your message to your clients…
Read Why Advertising in a Bad Economy Is Good

Reno advertising agency

Like the rest of the country, companies of all sizes in Reno are struggling to cope with the new reality of doing “business as unusual!”.  They can no longer take customers and clients for granted. Business owners know that, even when things return to the semblance of what they were, regular customers might not return in the same volume as before.

That’s the underlying challenge that PR firms and advertising companies are working to help over come for their clients today.



Digital Age Advertising Service Menu

Businesses need customers. We know where to find them.

Whether it’s a wholesaler, retailer or service-based business, you rely on having a steady, predictable flow of customers for your products and services.

This is a digital age, and everyone that’s in the advertising or digital marketing business understands that. So, as an advertising company, what value can you add to your client’s businesses? Well, one thing’s for certain: The old school approach, of running ads in the community newspaper, or posting flyers in malls and shopping centers, won’t work in a digital era. But in today’s digital world, there’s plenty of value-add that advertising service providers may offer to local Reno businesses:

  • Advertising Campaigns

From creating stand-alone digital ads, to knitting those ads into cohesive advertising campaigns for their clients. Advertising companies are great at visualizing online themes that clients and consumers are looking for; and then building marketing campaigns around them.

Obviously, to do that, advertising companies must have an online presence of their own. And for that, your first step is to establish a robust website where you showcase your own prowess for clients and prospects to see.

  • Competitor Research

Your clients want to ensure they offer the best products and services they can to their customers. But today’s digital era means they (your clients) are competing against many other competitors online, than just bricks-and-mortar stores. They’re also up against rapidly changing customer tastes. They’re dealing with new ways to advertise and market their offerings.

In these circumstances, advertising companies can research the competition, the marketplace and evolving consumer trends, and deliver a slew of data-driven marketing ideas to their clients.

  • Branding

The online marketplace is fiercely competitive – more so than the competition traditional in-store businesses face today. As a result, clients of advertising companies need help to differentiate what they have to offer, versus what their competitors are offering. Unless your clients demonstrably show why customers should opt to choose them (versus their industry peers), it’s unlikely they’ll beat the competition!

And that’s yet another value-add that advertising companies can offer their clients. By using digital branding strategies, you not only highlight your clients as the segment leader; but you can also use similar strategies to position your company as the advertising specialist in the client’s niche.

  • Cost Effectiveness

As an advertising company, clients typically turn to you when they have questions about ad-spend. Which advertising channel should they spend their marketing dollars on? How much should they spend on each strategy? Which advertising medium should they choose to get the greatest bang for their buck?

All these questions effectively translate to the oft overlooked question about the cost effectiveness of advertising budgets. Because digital advertising is the way of the future (and very much the present too!), as an advertising company, you can deliver superior value to clients by offering insights into cost-effective digital advertising strategies.

Advertising Agency Resources

Clearly, advertising companies have a lot to offer local Reno businesses. But, as a Reno advertising agency, you’re not alone in helping clients make the most of your business, and the services you can potentially offer to support them. The resources at your disposal include advertising industry associations, staffing and human resource support groups, government trade and industry agencies, and many other institutions and organizations dedicated to providing the resources you and your clients might benefit from.

Some of the resources you should consider leveraging include:

  • The Reno Chamber of Commerce is a great place to turn to when you are looking for help and guidance related to trade and economic developments within the Reno-Sparks area. With over 1,700 full-time members, the Chamber represents the interests of more than 10,000+ businesses, from a cross-segment of industries, in the Reno-Sparks region. As an advertising company, you too could be the beneficiary of the over 4-million-plus referrals the Chamber makes for member services
  • If you are an advertising company specifically focused on a unique business segment, such as Banking, Mining or Builders and Construction, then the Chamber has industry-specific resources and associations that you might be able to leverage.
  • Not in the advertising business too long, or looking to receive industry certification for your advertising or marketing business? Well, there’s no better resource to turn to than the Nevada Business Advisors. Alternately, tap into the resources offered by the Nevada Department of Business & Industry to receive help and support on certification
  • And while you are at it, why not become a member of the Nevada Government eMarketplace (NGEM). Through one central portal, you’ll be able to access business opportunities from thousands of participating companies at the marketplace. As a business development resource, NGEM is priceless!
  • When looking for inspiration and direction on delivering superior advertising services to clients, the American Advertising Federation of Reno (AAF Reno) is a great local resource to tap into
  • Depending on where your advertising company operates in Reno, you might also find some excellent marketing support from the Reno-Tahoe chapter of the American Marketing Association (Reno-Tahoe AMA)
  • Stay connected with, or get involved with programs and events hosted or sponsored by the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN), to capitalize on local marketing and advertising opportunities
  • If your advertising clients represent specific segments of the local economy, you must associate with specialist agencies and associations that represent businesses in that niche. Tap into resources offered by organizations like the Reno-Sparks Association of Realtors (RSAR) or the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority (RSCVA)
  • A great way to continually develop the skills and talents of your own staff, and those of your client’s, is to take advantage of all the support that the Northern Nevada Human Resources Association (NNHRA) has to offer
  • Every business needs some form of advice and support, especially during the formative years. The Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) offers a number of resources that advertising companies may tap into

Some entries, in the collection of resources mentioned here, are marketing and advertisement agency specific, while others may be resources for the broader business community – including marketers and advertising companies. The point of mentioning them here is to underscore the fact that, as an advertising entity helping clients make the best of their advertising strategies, you have many resources that you can tap into. As well, as a value-added service to your clients, you could also direct them to leverage these resources.

So, what specific resources and services might advertising companies hope to tap into through these organizations? Well, the range of benefits are very broad, and could include preferential financing terms, best practices, networking, clarity on industry rules and guidelines, lobbying for legislative improvements in the advertising industry – and a lot more.

If you are specifically looking to take your business online, or if you believe your clients might benefit from digital marketing, then RenoWebdesigner can help. We can help you understand critical-to-success aspects of your online marketing strategy, including how your business ranks online, where the significant portion of your web traffic comes from, and what keywords in online searches are the most profitable for your business.

The Advertising Agent’s Online Toolkit

As an advertising business, you owe it to yourself and your clients to arm yourself with an array of services in your toolkit. These tools are what you’ll unleash when clients ask you to help them get ahead of their competitors. And appropriately enough, the tools you need to compete against your own competitors are the same toolset your customers and prospective clients are looking for.

More specifically, your digital toolkit must include skills, tools and techniques to help clients in:

  • Mass Messaging

The days of sealing and mailing individual envelopes with your marketing message are long gone! Today, online advertising campaigns, like Pay-per-Click (PPC) and email marketing reach a much broader audience than snail mail does. Advertising agency clients look to their service provider to help them with digital mass messaging.

  • Promote Loyalty

Your website is a powerful tool that you can use to promote loyalty within your client base. However, if clients visit the site and see something “plain” and “uninspiring”, it’ll do anything else but promote loyalty in you! Having a professional web presence is key to instilling customer loyalty!

  • Instill Confidence

One of the main goals of any advertising company is to help clients gain the confidence of their clients. However, to do that, clients must first have confidence in the agency (you!) that’ll help them build client confidence. By promoting your own services online, through blogs, articles, opinion pieces, and other confidence-instilling strategies, you’ll ensure that clients have confidence in your ability to deliver what they are looking for.

  • Building Networks

Making strategic use of social platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, advertising companies can tap into a vast network of professional associates to further their business objectives. However, to do so, you need to establish a well-designed social networking profile of your own. It is only then that you can help your clients tap into their own social presences to market and advertise their own services.

  • Brand Recognition

A crucial arrow in any advertising companies quiver is their brand. Having an online branding strategy is very important for any advertising company, because that’s what sells. By engaging in online advertising, promotional campaigns and content marketing activities, you can ensure that prospective clients (and existing customers) know and recognize your brand.

As a local Reno advertising company, one of your objectives must be to help promote your clients beyond just the local market. And relying on old-school tricks and techniques to do that won’t cut it anymore – not in today’s digital world. You therefore need to band together all the above tools, into a single unified online marketing strategy of your own, to position yourself to support clients make their presences felt beyond Reno.

Taking Your Business Digital

Taking your business online, and establishing a robust, professional digital presence is the best way to showcase your own business. And it can be a way to attracts clients, and prospects, looking for professional assistance with their own advertising strategies. Reno advertising companies provide invaluable services to their clients, especially in today’s new age of digital marketing and advertising.

From digital advertising campaigns to social media marketing; and from SEO to PPC marketing, it pays to position yourself as a full-service digital advising service provider. However, if you aren’t a digitally-savvy advertising company – no problem! Work with RenoWebdesigner to not only create a powerful online presence of your own, but also to provide value-added digital advertising and marketing services to your clients.

How might we collaborate to unleash the power of digital advertising and marketing, both for you and your clients? Through a combination of advisory, consulting and web services, including:

  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Brand and Reputation Management
  • …and a whole lot more!

Reno advertising companies have yet another powerful local resource they can tap into to learn more about how they can transform their business in today’s world of digital marketing and online advertising. Join Sandy Rowley, one of Reno’s leading online marketing experts, each month for a FREE marketing workshop.




4 Reasons To Hire A Website Design Service: Benefits Of Hiring A Web-Design Service

4 Reasons To Hire A Website Design Service: Benefits Of Hiring A Web-Design Service

Did you know that people leave a website in 3 seconds if they don’t like the design? If a website layout or content is not attractive to a user, they usually leave in a matter of seconds. A user can determine if they like the layout of the website within the first few seconds and this is why you need to create an aesthetic website that keeps prospects engaged.

Developing an attractive website can make an impact on your bottom-line profits and increase customer retention for your business. The ‘bounce rate’ is the amount of time people spend on your website before they leave. The average website has a bounce rate of 15 seconds – this is the average amount of time a person spends on a website before they leave (even high-performing sites!). To lower the bounce rate on your website, you have to develop an aesthetic website.

There are two ways to develop a website 1) Develop it yourself 2) Hire a website design service. The latter is more practical choice because you’re hiring experts who have years of experience in the website design sphere. Investing in your website is one of the best investments you could make in your business. This guide will focus on the main benefits of hiring a website design service and what it could do for your business.

How To Hire A Website Design Service

Hiring a design service is not as simple as calling up the first web designer in your city and arranging a meeting. You need to research multiple agencies to find out what their rates are, past experiences, portfolios, and have a consultation.

This process can take as little as a few hours and as much as a few days. However, there are signs that let you know you’re dealing with a reliable design firm. Reputable design firm tend to have glowing client reviews, large portfolios, engaging websites, etc. Here are the top 4 reasons to hire a web design agency for your website:

✔ Make Your Business Stand Out

A design agency can make your website stand out from every other competitor. When a client is considering buying something, they usually look at 5-10 listings at once. This means they’ll be directly comparing your website to at least 5 other competitors. If a competitor has a better-designed website, the customer will give them their business.

  • If you hire a web design firm, they can design your website in a way that it “pops” and stands out among your competitors.

This will improve user engagement, drive visitors, and help you get more customers. Web design agencies tend to get very creative and their abilities might exceed your imagination. You can get a fully customized website that is unique to the business and makes you more credible in the eyes of customers.

✔ Save Valuable Time

Developing a website takes a lot of time. Even if you have basic design experience, you may have to spend days developing the logo and figuring out how to tweak the theme. Not to mention, you’ll have to try out potentially hundreds of different themes in order to figure out which one works for your business. You may even have to draft up a custom design that matches your business’s vision and make it stand out from the competition thereby attracting customers. This can take weeks at a time.

Designing a website is a long and tedious process that will take days or weeks, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get it right. Meanwhile, a web design services with hundreds of websites under their belt will easily design your website because they have the experience and know-how to do this.

There’s also the pragmatic aspect of how this affects your personal life: If you have a busy schedule, you’re going to waste valuable time designing a website, when you could be engaging with customers, building your products, making sales, and promoting your business. As the CEO, your time is better spent focusing on the grand vision of the business.

Trust your designers that they’ll deliver for you and instead of spending your time designing the website, take your time to convey your vision to experts and make sure they get the job done for you. Website design services tend to be affordable and you can gain a lot from hiring them.

✔ Agency Design Experience

Design firms can bring years of experience to each project. When you hire a web design service, you’re getting decades of combined experience across a dedicated team. If an average designer has only 5 years of experience in the design field and the team is comprised of 5 designers, you’re getting a team with 25 years of experience in web design. This is why if they ever run into problems designing your website, they’ll solve it quickly.

Most design services have one designer who does the logos, another who drafts the websites, coders who put the design together, banner/advertising personnel, and more. These experts specialize in their own design area of expertise and they join forces to design your website – each contributing a small piece for the final project. If you don’t have experience building a website, you can greatly benefit from having a team of designers working for you.

✔ Optimize Your Website

An experienced design firm will optimize your website for customer retention and performance. If your current website has a conversion rate of 2 people per 100 visitors, an experienced design firm may increase that up to 4 per 100. This is a conversion rate increase of 100% with a single design makeover. The design of your website can significantly influence buyer’s decisions to hire you or buy your products.

Experienced web design companies know how to change the layout of your website in order to maximize its performance. They may change the images, text structure, overall layout, or entire brand. This creates an effective website that turns prospects into customers. If you want to increase the results your business is getting you should invest in the website design.