Top Banner Sizes: The 21 Most Effective Banners 2019

When creating banners for Display Advertising it’s important to consider which sizes to use. Choosing the right size of banner can greatly help you boost your advertising effectiveness.

To help you out we’ve collected data from 4.8 billion ad impressions on millions of sites to bring you the most up to date statistics on banner usage for 2018.



If you want to know which banners are the most commonly used across the web, this guide is for you.

The top Banner Sizes sorted by how frequently they’re used

Common Web Banner Sizes

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has created standardized guidelines on banner sizes, which work across all advertising networks, including the Google Display Network (GDN).

If you want to learn more about the different sizes and how common they are, you will find the 15 most important formats in a handy chart below – together with how common they are, to make it easier for you to plan your campaign.

Download PDF guide with images here: