4 Tips To Increase Traffic On Your Website

4 Tips To Increase Traffic On Your Website

To get more traffic to your website without spending a lot of money, and that is what any Internet business strives to accomplish. In this article, we will cover the basic knowledge, which will be followed by 4 basic tips to get traffic to your site.

Anonymous to many novice webmasters, there are some ways to attract more visitors to your website that do not require spending a large amount of cash. But consider the fact that it is not so simple and requires much more work on your part.

So, if you prefer to work to get more visits to your website, instead of paying for it, then here are some simple ways to achieve it, get even more tips to improve your website by visiting Glamy SEO service.

Article Directories

Uploading articles to article directories is perhaps one of the most valuable ways to direct more visits to your website. By writing and uploading articles with topics associated with your website, it is almost certain that you will get more visits to your website for an extended period. Further, while your articles are kept in the directories, people can find you and the chances of receiving more visits can be more substantial. Some of the sites, you should look for depending on the language of your blog and the language of the directory, search on Google use the word directory of articles and start with those that have the best ranking in Alexa because they have more visits and those in their categories topics, that are relevant to your website.

Choose article directories that allow you to place at least one link to your website and with a good biography. To use article directories, you must be able to write many original articles in a short time and upload them to as many directories as possible. It is one of the most recommended tactics, but the work involved is quite heavy. And only the long-term effects will be noticed and when you have many articles written in different directories.


Search Engine Optimization – SEO is a procedure, that you apply on the pages of your website to increase search engine rankings. The positioning in search engines is not difficult to learn and there is much software that helps you make good SEO work.

Sandy Rowley an SEO Expert conducted various testing methods in design, advertising techniques, and layouts in order to increase the rank of the website.

The first thing you should do is to determine the meta tags (HTML tags that define the keywords of your website and determine the theme of your site), although today some webmaster take away the importance, this factor should not yet be ignored. Here are a few factors to prepare your meta tags:

  1. a) Your domain should have keywords for your niche market
  2. b) The title tag of each page should include the keyword.
  3. c) Your keywords should be in the first paragraph of your page.
  4. d) The image on the label that says “alt” should include the keyword.
  5. e) The directories and file names of each page of your site should have your keywords.


Create a blog that has links back (backlinks) to your website. Blogs like Blogger.com are quickly indexed by Google and other search engines.

Updating your blog, every time when you are putting new content, search engines will immediately use spiders to review it.

Putting your keywords in the content of your pages will help you increase search engine rankings.

Putting a link in your blog that directs your visitors to your website to be indexed and register your update more often.

Blogging is less painful and adds a lot of your web pages to your site in search engines.

Many places allow you to have unlimited blog accounts, some are free like Blogger.com, another popular blog application is WordPress.com.


Writing or posting in forums relevant to your topic will allow you to put links, towards your products and services in the signing of your posts, so that you have more visitors from the forum members and search engines, who follow your links.

Make sure the signature you post on the forums is memorable to magnetize readers and click on your related link to go to your website.

These 4 marketing tactics are simple and cheap to increase the traffic of more visitors to your blog. By implementing the mentioned strategies used regularly will ensure traffic flow.



10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Professional SEO Consultant

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Professional SEO Consultant

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Professional SEO Consultant

Are you in need of SEO help?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is rapidly becoming the most essential digital marketing tool. An effective SEO campaign can help you achieve high Google rankings.

Higher Google rankings can lead to greater online visibility, which can drive traffic to your site and get more customers on the line.

It is possible to tackle SEO yourself. However, some companies outsource SEO services.

If you’re struggling to manage a successful SEO campaign, it may be wise to hire a professional SEO consultant.

Here are the ten reasons why your business needs an SEO specialist now!

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes advantage of the 3.5 billion Google searches that occur every day.

In fact, search engines offer all businesses a great opportunity to engage with a vast marketplace.

Think about the way a typical Google search works. Most people search for a word or a phrase that approximates what they’re seeking. For example, you may search for “Search Engine Optimization” or “digital marketing ideas.”

When Google populates results for any given search, it prioritizes the “best matches.” These generally occur on the first page of results, within the top ten listings.

This is where searchers are most likely to click. The likelihood of searchers clicking on content on pages two, three, or four of Google results goes down from there.

That first page of Google is competitive real estate. And the good news is that you can take steps to get your content there, earning you more clicks and (hopefully) more sales.

This is where SEO comes in. Marketers can optimize their online content for keyword searches their customers are likely to enter into Google.

For example, a pet grooming company may cater towards searchers for the following phrases: “dog wash services,” “pet grooming in Los Angeles,” or “cheap grooming.”

SEO involves more than keyword integration.

High ranking sites are also likely to have a high domain authority, meaning that a lot of outside sites link to their content. They also should have high-quality, valuable content.

It is possible to launch an optimization campaign yourself, provided you have the right tools. Yet it is also possible to hire SEO experts to tackle your optimization campaign.

Why Your Business Needs a Professional SEO Consultant

There are many reasons why you may need to outsource your SEO efforts. However, these are the most common motivators.

1. You’re Not Getting the Results You Need

You may have already launched a company-wide SEO effort. Perhaps you’ve performed some keyword research to identify what your ideal customer’s search habits.

At this point, you’ve also likely optimized your online content for select keywords. If so, you’re also inspecting Google Analytics to see what effect these efforts have.

If you’re like nearly every other DIY SEO marketer on the planet, you may not be getting the results you need. Those charts may not be budging. What’s more, your bounce rate may even be soaring!

If this sounds like you, it may be time to hire a professional SEO consultant. A consultant can help you analyze the results of your current efforts. They can explain why you’re not getting the results you need.

Most importantly, they can tell you what you need to do to get those results! In many cases, an SEO expert will take these steps herself to help you get the traffic, sales, or visibility you’re craving.

This is because SEO consultants are well-versed in all things SEO. SEO is a shifting, adaptive industry.

Google changes up its algorithms frequently, and more websites join the world of the internet every day. SEO consultants have their fingers on the pulse of this industry and also possess the expertise needed to drive results.

2. The World of SEO is Intimidating and Hazy

Did we mention that the world of SEO is vast and evolving?

While it is possible to handle SEO yourself, there are so many tricks and tips out there. It can be hard to find the ones that work for you.

Even if you’ve read through Google’s SEO Starter Guide, SEO may still feel intimidating. It may even feel quite simply confusing.

We all know that feeling of trying to become fluent in something that feels perpetually foreign!

This is where a professional can help. SEO experts know this industry incredibly well. Hiring one means you don’t have to know more than the essentials: what your marketing goals are and when you’d like to meet these.

SEO can be simple, especially if you let the experts take over!

3. You Don’t Have the Time

Managing an optimization campaign in-house takes valuable time and effort.

An SEO campaign is not something that can be launched and forgotten about. It requires constant monitoring. The best campaigns are also highly adaptive.

This is because keyword popularity changes with the whims of consumers. Marketing efforts always take dips and rises depending on consumer needs.

If you simply don’t have the time or the resources to tackle SEO on your own, consider hiring an SEO consultant. A consultant can address all of your optimization needs while you spend your hours managing your company.

4. You Need More Sales–Now

Effective SEO can elevate your brand image. It can also make you more digitally visible.

Both of these effects can directly impact the number of sales you receive each month and year.

If your business needs more sales–and needs them now–it’s time to outsource SEO. Optimization experts can quickly derive campaigns that boost your profit margins, all through keyword and digital marketing savvy.

5. You’re Local

Local businesses can struggle to maintain a dependable customer base. This is particularly true for local companies that are new on the scene.

If you manage a local business or if you are launching a startup, SEO is going to be all the more essential to your marketing efforts. In fact, local SEO is all about optimizing your content for location-based keywords.

It can be difficult establishing a local reputation and effectively building a local SEO campaign. We recommend turning to SEO professionals in order to accomplish this and outpace your local competitors.

6. You Run an E-Commerce Company

If you run an e-commerce company, you depend entirely on online visitors. Yes, you also depend on online reviews and testimonials, but your marketplace is purely digital.

Search Engine Optimization is thus vital to your existence. Yet because of this urgency, it can be difficult to meet your industry’s marketing demands.

Think about it this way. The e-commerce industry is booming, and shoppers are indicating a growing preference to conduct the majority of their shopping online.

What’s more, it’s possible to launch an e-commerce business from the comfort of your home, making it more accessible to more entrepreneurs.

In e-commerce, it’s essential to act quickly. Outsourcing part of your digital marketing efforts, especially SEO, can help you establish a powerful online footing right away.

It can also free up your time as you focus on other particulars of running your online company, such as inventory management and packaging concerns.

7. You Don’t Know What Keywords to Use

Keywords form the heart of every SEO campaign. If you manage your SEO in-house, you likely understand the value of thorough keyword research.

Figuring out what keywords your ideal customers are likely to type into Google is paramount to optimizing your content appropriately.

Failing to knit in the right terms can reduce your visibility and make all of your SEO efforts moot.

If you’ve done the research but aren’t seeing results, it’s time to outsource. If you don’t even know where to start when it comes to keyword research, let professional consultants like us help!

Professional SEO consultants are expert at building a keyword database designed to reach your ideal customers. They are also adept at modifying these keywords according to strength and performance.

8. You Have the Marketing Budget

Most marketers strive to launch SEO campaigns themselves in order to save money. This is because outsourcing any digital marketing effort constitutes a financial investment.

And for good reason! Outsourcing in this capacity can have a high return on investment, especially when it comes to time. It can be beyond worth it to invest in services that drive your sales.

If you have the digital marketing budget, SEO outsourcing is for you. If budget is an issue, don’t be deterred. It’s still possible to get a free SEO audit, for example, and input for how to drive your campaign accordingly.

9. Avoid Penalties

Yes, you can contract a Google penalty for sidestepping one of its SEO guidelines. This is more common than most business owners realize.

For example, “overstuffing keywords,” the process of cramming too many search terms into one page, can earn a penalty. This is easy to do if you’re new to SEO!

Google penalties can tank your rankings. They can also make it difficult to build an online presence quickly.

Avoid penalties by hiring an SEO consultant, who will follow best practices at all times.

10. Develop a Relationship

Most professional SEO consultants build longterm relationships with their clients. This is because, once again, SEO is not a “quick fix” in marketing.

It requires an understanding of company vision and goals. It also depends on frequent communication between clients and professionals.

In short, working with a consultant can develop a valuable relationship, one you can take with you through your company’s leaps and bounds. This can be rare in the corporate world.

Final Thoughts

Outsourcing your SEO campaign can give you longterm, palpable results. It can also save you valuable time, enable you to develop a long-lasting relationship, and drive sales.

If you’re on the fence about hiring a professional SEO consultant, think more closely about your marketing goals and budget. What can you afford to outsource? What results do you need?

We are always here to have a conversation and give you a free quote on professional SEO services. Learn more here!

Need help with this?

2022 Local SEO for Small Businesses Guide: 12 Brilliant SEO Tips

2022 Local SEO for Small Businesses Guide: 12 Brilliant SEO Tips

SEO Chief Outsiders

If you’ve just gotten a handle on the concept of search engine optimization (SEO) then local SEO might be throwing you for a loop. And that’s a problem because local SEO is more important for your business than you realize.

It gives you local scale exposure, capitalizes on the growth of mobile search, and, of course, can be a major profit-maker (if you play your cards right).

Not sure about what local SEO is, or not sure how to use local SEO for small businesses? No worries. We’re introducing you to the concept, why it’s so important, and what you can do to make your way to the top of your local SERPs.

“Happy to share helpful tips to keep your web projects running smoothly. Also here to answer SEO questions.” Sandy Rowley, Digital Marketing Expert 775-870-0488

“Impressive knowledge of SEO and other digital marketing strategies.  We contracted Sandy for 6 months to recover lost SEO and position our software development company as a leading offshore service provider.”  Client Name Kept Anonymous View reviews within the Chief Outsiders Platform.

Orange County Software Company

Local & National SEO, Chief Outsiders

What is Local SEO?

First things first: what is local SEO?

Basically, it’s all the tools of search engine optimization, utilized to make sure that people within a certain geographical area can find your brick-and-mortar shop.

Think of it this way: while anyone from Oslo to Taipei can rank for “how to fix a clogged drain,” only a certain group can rank for, “best plumber in Reno.”

Why You Need It

That’s all fine and good, but why do you need local SEO anyway? After all, if you’ve already got an SEO strategy in place, shouldn’t that be enough?

Not quite.

Let’s start with this simple fact: smartphone users will hit 3 billion in 2018 and are predicted to hit 3.8 billion in 2021.

Of those people, 45% of users aged 18 to 29 use mobile search daily. Of the estimated 30 billion annual mobile searches, 12 billion are local.

But the real kicker?

Local searches lead 50% of mobile searchers to visit a store the same day, and annually, about 78% of local mobile searches result in offline purchases (for those who struggle with math, that’s roughly 9.36 billion purchases, give or take a few).

The point is simple: a lot of people search locally, and when they do, they’re looking to spend money. Usually on the same day, if you give them the service they’re looking for.

And you’d be a fool not to capitalize on a golden opportunity.

Tips to Conquer Local SEO in 2019


Sandy Rowley SEO Specialist 775-870-0488.

With that in mind, let’s talk about how you can conquer local SEO in 2019.

Now, a lot of larger SEO tricks apply to local SEO, like getting an SEO audit. And yes, there are plenty of fancy technical SEO tricks you could use to bolster your local SEO game if you really wanted to.

Here’s the thing: if you’re still struggling with the whole concept of SEO (or you just don’t have time to spend hours slaving over SEO when you’ve got a business to run) it doesn’t need to be that hard.

Here are 14 tips that you could probably conquer in a few hours if you set your mind to it.

“Since working with Sandy my web sales increased 500%.”  Larry Green View reviews on the Google platform.

Automatic Hay Feeder Company

International SEO, EEZkeeper.com

 1. Optimize for Google My Business

The first is surprisingly basic: optimize for Google My Business.

For those who are late to the game (or, you know, living in packing peanuts) Google My Business is a free tool provided by Google that’s basically a giant digital address book.

Chances are, you’ve encountered it before. You just didn’t realize it. Every time you Google a business and see a little box on the right-hand side with the business’s name, address, phone number, website, location, and even a few photos, that’s the handiwork of Google My Business.

You also didn’t know that you probably already have a Google My Business listing, you just didn’t know to claim it.

That’s a problem because if you don’t claim it, your competitor might (yes, that’s a competitive strategy).

Luckily, the process of claiming your listing is simple. Just log onto Google My Business and go through the verification process, at which point Google will mail a PIN to your business address. From there, enter the PIN, and you’re ready to optimize.

How do you optimize? Include all kinds of handy information, like writing a great business description, providing hours and contact information, detailing your payment options, etc.

Basically, if there’s information that Google My Business gives you the option to fill out, populate the text box. Your potential customers will thank you.

2. Ensure NAP is Consistent Across Directories

However, your work isn’t done once you claim your Google My Business listing.

Once you do that, you need to ensure your NAP is consistent across directories (Google, Bing, or anywhere else your business might be listed).

Don’t get worried. NAP stands for three essential details about your business:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Phone number with area code

Some people will also include your website on this list.

Basically, these directory listings won’t do you much good if your information is inconsistent. Your customers will get frustrated and confused, and it makes your business look sloppy.

3. Title and Meta Description Tags

Itching for something slightly more technical?

Turn to your title and meta description tags.

Title and meta description tags are HTML elements that you can customize to reflect your webpage. You don’t need to do any coding to figure it out–like Google My Business, it’s something you’ve encountered before.

Whenever you type a search into Google, the blue title and the small description below it are the title and meta description tags.

It seems like a small detail, but it should be functionally treated as a mini-ad. This is your chance to get customers to click on your link instead of someone else’s (and to get the search engine to put you in page one).

So not only are you writing killer descriptions, you’re writing optimized descriptions.

4. Keyword Research for Local SEO

With that in mind, let’s talk about keyword research for local SEO.

You can argue until you’re blue in the face about the value of keywords or how to use them, but the fact is, keywords are still important. Especially for local SEO.

What’s the difference between a regular keyword and a local SEO keyword, you ask?

It’s simple: geography.

Remember earlier when we said that anyone in the world can rank for, “how to unclog a sink,” but only certain people can rank for, “best plumber in Reno,”?

That’s the same basic principle behind keywords for local SEO.

Basically, you’re targeting industry-specific terms that are also geo-specific, like “Las Vegas florist” or “car rental in Albuquerque”. A good place to start is to do a bit of digging on the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to find geographically-specific terms that perform well.

5. Write for a Local Audience

Of course, you can optimize all day long and it won’t help you much if you aren’t, you know, writing content for a local audience.

This is true of both your human readers and search engine web crawlers–you need to build a solid online reputation.

Luckily, you can do this with a practice you (should) already do for your regular SEO: blogging.

Blogging is vital to a good SEO score because it shows search engines that you’re consistently providing helpful information to searchers. And the more you write, the more authority you gain on the topic.

Take this a step further by appealing to the local market. Find out what customers in your area are interested in and start writing blogs for them (with the appropriate optimization, of course).

6. Improve Internal Linking Structure

And while you’re blogging, you should take a closer look at your internal linking structure.

External links are SEO gold, but internal links are also important, since it aids in navigating your website, assists with information architecture, and distributes page authority among multiple pages.

So, if you’re writing about bathroom design and have previously written a blog post about quartz vs. marble countertops in the bathroom, find a way to naturally link to that blog post.

7. Use a Structured Data Markup Tool

A structured data markup tool is perhaps the most technical item on our list, but it’s not as complicated as the name makes it out to be.

Structured data markup, sometimes called schema markup, is added to the code of your website to directly provide search engines with information about what you sell, services you offer, and other important information about your business.

In fact, Google wants you to use structured data markup because it makes it easier for their spiders to index your website. They even provide a Structured Data Testing Tool.

So…what are you waiting for?

8. Online Reviews Still Matter

For all the work you’re doing behind the scenes, there’s one tried-and-true part of local SEO that you cannot ignore: online reviews.

Don’t believe it? Try this on for size: 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family.

Many people will leave reviews on Facebook unprompted, so make sure this feature is turned on. You can also cut to the chase by asking customers who love you to leave a review of your store when they get the chance.

If customers are diehard fans of your store, they’ll usually be happy to do it.

9. Be Socially Active

This brings us to our next point: you should be socially active wherever possible.

And no, we don’t mean going out for a beer with friends. We mean the big bads of social media: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Snapchat.

Nearly a third of the world’s population is active on at least one of the major platforms, which is why your business needs to remain active. Go where the customers are.

The key is to avoid the used car salesman effect–don’t sell so hard that you annoy people or convince them they’re about to be scammed. Instead, think of using social media as it was originally intended: a vehicle to connect people.

10. Make a Mobile-Friendly Website

Oh come on, you knew this was coming.

Mobile usage has surpassed desktop, and Google rolled out their Mobile-First index. There’s no two ways about it: you need to be optimized for mobile.

If you have no idea whether your site is optimized for mobile or not, there’s an easy way to check: open your website on your phone. If you have to constantly zoom, or your graphics aren’t loading, or the pages take forever to load, guess what?

You’re not optimized for mobile.

11. Add Location Pages to Your Website

In case you haven’t caught on yet, local SEO is all about one thing: location.

That’s why one of the easiest things you can do to boost your business (besides claim your Google My Business listing) is include a location page on your website.

If you have multiple locations but only one website, no worries. Just create a page for each location. That way, users will know where to find you in their local area (and search engines will know how to index you properly, which is always a plus).

12. Maps, Maps, and More Maps

There’s no way around location without talking about maps.

There are a couple different things you can do with maps. For one, you should embed a map on your webpage. The good news is that this is pretty easy: just open Google Maps, enter your address, and click the link icon.

This will provide you with an HTML embed code to add the map to your website, making it super easy for any potential customers to figure out exactly where you are whenever they need you.

Plus, you can click on the customize link to choose from various options like sizing before embedding the map on your page.

Building Local SEO for Small Businesses

Local SEO might seem like a lot of work. And yes, we’ll admit–it can be time-consuming if you let it.

And while we all know that the payoff is worth it, that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve got a business to run and you don’t have time to learn how to manage SEO in your nonexistent free time.

That’s where we come in.

We offer a variety of services from digital marketing to search engine optimization and local SEO for small businesses. We guarantee our SEO work, and we’re dedicated to making sure that your business succeeds.

Ready to get started? Use our contact page to get in touch.

“We feel so fortunate to have been referred to Sandy. Her knowledge of SEO and marketing have been extremely beneficial to our company. She has fantastic ideas and is very enthusiastic in helping our company grow its online presence. Sandy offers free seminars to share tips and strategies. She truly wants to help her clients succeed! We would highly recommend Sandy to anyone wanting to grow their online presence..”   View reviews on the Google platform.

National Aircraft Parts Company

National SEO, Dana Shelton

Request A Phone Call To Review Your SEO

3 + 9 =

Affordable SEO Expert Sandy Rowley

Affordable SEO Expert Sandy Rowley

sandy rowley seo expert reno

Nice to see you, come here often?

Speak with Sandy 775-870-0488
I’m Sandy, a local marketing expert in Reno Nv. I specialize in helping companies rank their websites high in Google, Yahoo and Bing search. I also am successful at recovering lost rankings in Google search (no matter how long the site has been down or penalized). I guarantee my work and results. I understand that most SEO experts cannot guarantee their work, but I actually can. My goal is to generate a positive return on your SEO investment within 3 months or less. I only work with websites that I know can rank for profitable keywords.

I have a 100% success rate with my digital marketing clients.

Lets hop on the phone and discuss what opportunities you have been missing with SEO, see if we are a good fit and move forward from there.

What you can expect from our first phone call:

  1. I would love to review your Google Analytics account. Add me as an admin with this email : renowebdesigner.com
  2. Have a list of your top two competitors, on and offline.
  3. An idea of the types of keywords your website should be ranking for and why.

If you do not have all of the items above, we can install Google Analytics for a one time fee ($75). Often your website host will have their own website analytics and that can help, but Google Analytics is the best available.  Although i am an affordable SEO expert, I am not the cheapest marketing pro out there. My rates start at $1500+ per month. The average national SEO marketing campaign runs about $3500 per month, some are more depending on the complexity of the work and competition.

Speak with Sandy 775-870-0488

Get to know Sandy by joining our Business Marketing & Networking Meetup here: https://www.meetup.com/Reno-Business-Group/

SEO Audits

SEO Audits

Why should a company use a professional SEO audit service?

  1. Keep your existing SEO company, honest. Verify those traffic numbers and rankings from a 3rd party auditing service. Most SEO experts use black hat and/or fake traffic to fool unsuspecting customers into shady  services.
  2. Keeping your website up to date and cleaned of any excess issues helps you compete online. A search engine optimization audit will find any hidden errors that are causing rankings to stagnate online.
  3. Looking to and/or have recently redesigned your company website? A technical audit can save your existing SEO rankings from tanking after a site redesign. This is the most common issue we see at our offices.
  4. Looking to hire an SEO expert or company? Let us vet their expertise. 97% of the digital marketing companies we test, do not pass. Protect your company and investment dollars before signing a contract.

Learn more about our website auditing services by calling 775-870-0488.

Over 89% of digital marketing companies are not qualified to generate quality leads for their clients.

View our guide on the worlds best SEO experts here.

seo audit

We tested all of the top competitors in our local Reno market to see what keywords they ranked for in Google, and were SHOCKED to learn that over 97% of these supposed SEO companies did not rank for buyer intent keywords! How is it that a digital marketing company, that sells SEO services does not use SEO to acquire new customers?

Buyer beware. Even large, well known ad agencies are promoting their digital marketing services and do not use SEO either.

A quick search for the keywords that the agency ranks for will tell the truth of how technical savvy they are at their own marketing efforts.

Example report for a local Reno marketing agency where they rank for keywords, on page 7,8 or 9…where no one every goes!

seo stats

Some local companies do not even rank on the back pages of Google search. They use billboards and/or online ads via Google PPC in order to get SEO clients. Very strange indeed. More and more businesses are becoming educated in how these marketing scams work. It is getting harder to trick businesses into shady marketing services.

Eventually these fly by night marketing companies will fall by the wayside.

Quick tips to vet your SEO company

  1. Check out their reviews in Google. Why Google? Yelp and Facebook reviews are easy to game.
  2. Track the amount of keywords the marketing agency ranks for. What page do they rank in Google?
  3. Check the ranking stats of their customers as well.
  4. Hire a 3rd party vetting service.
  5. Make sure this company is actually located in the US. A number of foreign companies have front offices in the US, but all of the “work” is done overseas.

Arm yourself with the tools that experts use.

Invest in a company that has the experience and proven track record of successful wins for their own website as well as those of their clients. Always verify that data. There are ways that these companies can fake traffic and analytics. If you have been paying a company for marketing work and not seeing more sales, something is wrong. Do not trust their stat reports, verify with a 3rd party expert that will explain your real world rankings.

SEO Companies that reach out to you, unsolicited are usually in desperate straights (they can’t SEO their own company website) so they steal email addresses online and send out fake emails like the ones shared on the Worse SEO Hall of Fame WebSite here: https://www.claytowne.com/beats-digging-ditches/seo-marketing-spam-hall-of-shame/

Most small businesses get 3 – 5 sales calls a day from spammers trying to sell their Google ranking services. Think about it, if they were good at SEO, they would not have to call and harass you and your staff every day.

Calls from Google to Push Your Ranking a Fraudulent Indicator

Google will never call a business to assist them to improve their search engine rankings. Google provide various tools and knowledge bases to help web masters, search engine optimization experts and other information technology professionals understand the nature of SEO, but they never call businesses unsolicited.

Google has a support team, and customer service department that businesses can call for assistance, but never initiate contact with a business via telephone. source: https://themarketingfolks.com/seo-scam/

Those same small businesses receive several emails a day from supposed experts who just happened to stumble across your website and found some technical errors they can fix for real cheap. These emails are also scams. Never click on those links or call the sales number. They will automatically add your number to a spam call list, selling it to the highest bidder.

SEO is an investment, just like other forms of marketing.  Make sure to work with a vetted expert and try to not think that just by hiring a young person to do your companies SEO or Social Media Marketing will help save the day. More often than not, these people are grossly under qualified for the position and will do more harm than good to your rankings online.

You can save money by doing a lot of it yourself, but you should plan to spend at least 1-2 hours per day marketing your company, writing content, engaging with your audience, and building online relationships.

A good budget for a national business or a competitive local business is typically in the $2500 – $5000 per month range depending on the competitiveness of your industry. For a quality company that isn’t looking to make massive profits on you, that kind of budget should produce good results. You may not reach all of your goals depending on the competitiveness of your industry or if there is additional work that needs to be done (site design, etc) but you should see measured improvement. source: https://moz.com/ugc/how-to-avoid-seo-digital-marketing-scams

SEO is still in the early stages of development. Most businesses do not even know what it is and how it can help or harm their businesses. This opens up room for sharks to surf in and make a lot of easy cash.

I once heard a meteorologist admit that forecasts that predict the weather beyond three days are essentially just guesses. “Then why do you still offer them?” the interviewer asked. “Because the audience demands them,” he answered. Left unsaid was “Because the audience doesn’t know any better.” That’s where SEO is now. The public is still largely ignorant of the truth about Internet marketing, and the stakes are so high that there are more than enough dupes willing to pay for SEO that doesn’t work.

It takes many forms. Fast talking consultants pitch SEO campaigns that cost $50,000-$75,000 to medium-sized businesses, and even though the business owners are skeptical, they often pay because they don’t know what else to do. Web development firms charge small businesses $500 a month for ongoing SEO maintenance, which means precisely collecting $500 for doing absolutely nothing. Marketing companies charge you to enlist popular bloggers to link to your site despite the fact that their blogs have nothing to do with what you’re selling. SEO “experts” charge you to submit your site to hundreds of fly-by-night Eastern European web directories in the name of link building. Most of these experts won’t explain to you what they’re actually doing, and almost none of what they do works. In fact, they’re more likely to get you penalized than to actually help you. source: https://techli.com/2013/12/the-truth-about-internet-marketing-part-2-seo-is-a-scam/

How to spot fake reviews on Amazon?

Fake reviews are one of the biggest hurdles in the way of a good online shopping experience. Like all other online shopping sites, the menace of fake reviews also plague the e-commerce giant – Amazon.

Though Amazon tries hard to weed out the fake reviews, however as a buyer, we need to play our part. Spending a few minutes before making a purchase is all it takes to not get scammed by those glowing 5 stars.

So in this post, I’ll help you identify fake reviews with a few tricks that help me make sound shopping decisions.

Note: As an example, I will be using this new MaxBoost Google Pixel 2 case that my analysis (and my gut) tells me has fake reviews.

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/identify-fake-reviews-on-amazon/