I want to exponentially increase my customer base now
I want to exponentially increase my customer base now. Join our local and FREE marketing workshops held each month in Reno. Powered by Eventbrite
Reno Demographics
Demographics data for the city of Reno The New Nevada from EDAWN on Vimeo. Source Census.gov Population estimates, July 1, 2017, (V2017) 460,587 PEOPLE Economy In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2012-2016 65.6% In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2012-2016 60.1% Total accommodation and food services sales, 2012 ($1,000)(c) 1,860,761 Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2012 ($1,000)(c) D Total manufacturers shipments, 2012 ($1,000)(c) 6,427,397 Total merchant wholesaler sales, 2012 ($1,000)(c) 6,401,901 Total retail sales, 2012 ($1,000)(c) 6,167,020 Total retail sales per capita, 2012(c) $14,345 more demographics found here. Year Population Growth Annual Growth Rate 2017 248,853 5,155 2.12% 2016 243,698 4,495 1.88% 2015 239,203 4,102 1.74% 2014 235,101 3,333 1.44% 2013 231,768 2,212...
Reno Business : How to start a business
The state of Nevada has put together a list of things to keep in mind when starting a business in Nevada. You can download the free business PDF here. View our local Reno guide on how to start a business here. (UPDATED GUIDE) Join our Reno Business Networking group and get the latest news on what is working in marketing businesses in the Reno Nevada area today as well as network with some of Northern Nevada's leading businesses. JOIN for free here.

NCET Reno Expo
NCET Reno hosts a business EXPO each year. Looking for Reno Business Groups? Check our our Free Marketing & Networking Workshops held each month in Reno. This is one of the best local business networking events of the year. This event brings together some of the best businesses in our area. Photos from the last NCET Expo in Reno at The Atlantis Casino & Spa. Source: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ncet.org/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1862059663913422 Who is NCET? NCET, Northern Nevada’s largest educational and networking organization, is a member-supported 501(c)(3) Nevada nonprofit that produces programs and events to help people explore business and technology. NCET’s award-winning programs include the NCET Small Business Expo, the NCET Tech Awards and the monthly Tech Wednesday, Biz Bite and Biz Cafe...
Social Media Game Plan
Social media can be fun and profitable, IF you know what to do. Social media marketing can also be a big drain on your resources if you work with a fake marketing expert. FYI, most are. Join me and local businesses on October 24th at The Innovation Center in Reno to learn the sneaky tactics fake social media marketers use. Protect your business and investment from bad social media marketing, free workshop. Sandy Rowley is the areas leading social media and digital marketing authority. She has over 80k REAL followers on Social Media and 18 plus years experience helping clients rank high in search engines. Check out some free social media marketing tips on The State of Nevada's website, where they feature her savvy marketing ideas.

SEO Audits
Why should a company use a professional SEO audit service? Keep your existing SEO company, honest. Verify those traffic numbers and rankings from a 3rd party auditing service. Most SEO experts use black hat and/or fake traffic to fool unsuspecting customers into shady services. Keeping your website up to date and cleaned of any excess issues helps you compete online. A search engine optimization audit will find any hidden errors that are causing rankings to stagnate online. Looking to and/or have recently redesigned your company website? A technical audit can save your existing SEO rankings from tanking after a site redesign. This is the most common issue we see at our offices. Looking to hire an SEO expert or company? Let us vet their expertise. 97% of the digital marketing companies we test, do not pass. Protect your company and investment dollars before signing a...
Marketing Budget Calculator
Marketing budgets can be a bit tricky. We have put together an easy marketing calculator for you to use. Enter your monthly sales and an estimate of how much of those sales were generated from your website. You will have a close budget range to start your digital marketing plan. [custom_marketing_calculator hourRateSEO=150 minimumSEOBudget=1500 ] Need more information? Call or text Sandy at 775-870-0488.

Who is the best SEO expert in Reno?
Who is the best digital marketing expert in Reno as well as Nevada? Top SEO and Digital marketing strategist, Sandy Rowley, continues to lead the way in Northern Nevada for those looking to rank their websites high in search engines. Her down to earth attitude has won the hearts of many local Reno businesses as well as world renowned brands. "She is candid, funny and really knows her stuff." Brittney S. Hi Line Travels "With Sandy’s expertise our company sky rocketed up the search engine list. Her professionalism, SEO skills and customer service is second to none. Thanks to her the Pure Glow Salon has experience a substantial increase of web hits, phone calls and most importantly dollars to our bottom line. If you are looking to do the same for your business the only option is Reno SEO, Marketing & Design." Greg Enholm Winner of two honorary Webby Awards, Rowley brings...
Marketing Workshops & Events with Sandy Rowley
Reno Marketing Calculator
Simple formula to determine ideal marketing budget online. What is your desired increase in revenue for the next 12 months? $500,000. What does it cost to acquire one customer? Most companies spend anywhere from $25 - $300 per customer. Take your revenue goes and divide by cost to acquire one customer. This will be your marketing budget. Or another, easier way to determine the best marketing budget is to do the following: 10% Percent of Gross Revenue is a good starting point for a marketing budget for most companies.