(don’t worry, this is not a high-pressured sales event where I convince you to hawk your family jewels to get rich over night. 😉
Bring your laptop, mobile phone or a pen and notebook, because you are going to have lots to talk about in this one-hour Internet Marketing Workshop series held by local SEO Expert, Sandy Rowley of RenoWebDesigner.com.
“She makes the information easy to learn and fun.” Cynthia R.
“Best hour spent growing my business.” Tom H.
“If I had only known about Sandy sooner…lucky to know her now!” Max L
We business owners work hard enough as it is, now we have the task to learn SEO, PPC, Social Marketing, Email Marketing and Reputation Management, each of which could be another full-time job.
I take my 23 + years’ experience in ranking small and large company websites in the major search engines and break it down to bite size and useful information that my small business owners can take to work, implement and grow their business.
Why do I give free marketing workshops? I love this stuff, yes that’s the truth, but, in the future, when your business is really starting to take off, you will need someone to help maintain growth, I hope to be that marketing guru that you can depend on. If not, no worries, the free marketing workshops I hold are great publicity for my local SEO and web design services.
Let’s get together and help each other with marketing strategies, tools, resources and one on one review of what is currently working online and what is a waste of time.
Our next marketing session will focus on THE MOST IMPORTANT INTERNET MARKETING STRATEGY getting Customer reviews!
Make sure to bring either your laptop or mobile phone so you can learn the top strategies to get more 5 star reviews and out rank your competitors online.
This internet marketing workshop is for business owners and locals in the Reno Nevada area who are curious how to increase their website traffic, build their own website, use social media to gain new clients or simply want to stay up to date on the best and proven marketing strategies for their organization.
BE WARNED THOUGH, if you run a local SEO, web design or PPC marketing business or thinking about starting one, do not sign up for this workshop. I have a big heart and love to help small businesses, but draw the line at teaching my competitors how to out rank me. I have actually had a hand full of supposed SEO Experts come to my workshops asking me how to start a SEO business FYI.
Web marketing has taken over traditional marketing methods as Americas #1 resource to reach new and existing clients. A recent report takes a look at where that money goes. Borrell estimates brands and agencies in the United States will shell out $65.26 billion this year for search engine optimization (SEO) services, rising to $72.02 billion in 2018 and $79.27 billion by 2020.Apr 21, 2016
How can small businesses integrate these online marketing strategies and tools with small to medium size budgets?
Leverage is the keyword to focus on. Assess what off line or traditional advertising is working or has worked in the past with your business. How can you use social media and other online marketing strategies to increase those results?
As a small business, your marketing strategies have to yield positive results within a few months or sooner in some cases. Small business is competing with the big box stores down the road, the online goliaths located all over the world, thanks to faster internet speeds and affordable ISP connections.
Even though small business owners are working to keep more and more of their local reach, they are quick, flexible and crafty. They have the freedom to experiment and test new marketing strategies faster than the big guys, therefore have an option to catch trends and opportunities for sales before the large corporations.
Online marketing via SEO and PPC allow small business to test out marketing messages, ad copy, colors and photos to thousands of potential clients. They can then pin point what message converts client views into clicks, sign ups and sales.
The average monthly costs associated with marketing a small business within a city can start at $600 – $5000 a month easily. If your a small business, how are you able to compete with the established businesses who are able to afford ongoing SEO budgets like these?
Internet Marketing Workshops, when done on purpose and accountable steps are measured, help small business owners leverage top SEO talent and skills to maximize their own success and growth with web marketing without the high ticket investment of an ongoing SEO campaign. Learn more about my one on one SEO Coaching Sessions.
How can Internet Marketing Workshops help my small business?
Running a small business gives you the freedom to make your own rules. With that freedom comes the responsibility of keeping the business growing. You have customers and employees that depend on how well you market your business. Attending 1 or 2 hour marketing workshops will keep you up to date on the best web marketing strategies, tools and resources to help you keep your business running smoothly.
“Most people digest information in about 20 minute worth of time. In my workshops, I have structured the learning process in 20 minute blocks. The marketing classes are a relaxed, fun and customized learning environment that encourages creative thinking and correct action needed to reach the business owners goals.” Sandy Rowley Web Marketing Coach.
What does web marketing include?
Web marketing includes all the tools and resources needed to reach new customers via the internet. This can include local search engine rankings, social media posts, email marketing, guest blogging, pay per click and view ads across a variety of channels that can include Google, Facebook, Linkedin and other online properties. Internet marketing also includes how your website is designed. Does it convert people into customers?
“Often times, I can listen to a coaching client and understand what is working well with traditional advertising and leverage that data or information to help reach more customers online.” Sandy Rowley SEO Coach
How long does it take for internet marketing to work?
Some web marketing campaigns can generate sales within the same week, others take months and even years to acquire.
This is why researching keywords, competitors and performing a SEO audit on an existing website property is important.
Everyone’s website is at a different ranking position online. There are too many factors to give a quick answer on something that involves so many parts. If you have a company selling you a one size fits all budget, consider the old wise saying, “If its too good to be true, usually it is.” Unknown wise business person.
I have had some clients see great results within a few weeks and others that need more time in a competitive market. I tell my clients that you are always marketing. Marketing is never a set it and forget it. Your business goals should be in line with what your clients need the most. You need to meet them (your clients) where they are at. Does that include a social network, an online magazine or is it off line advertising that will reach your ideal prospects?
Each business has a different timeline and budget to work within. By researching these critical items, a good marketing expert can give you a good idea of how long it will take to reach your goals.
What is the average marketing budget used for online marketing?
I have a good estimate that I share as a general guideline for small business owners who are working to dicepher what should be an ideal online marketing budget for their business. Although the information I will share is real world information,, it is not the golden rule. Each business has their own unique criteria that will determine their best marketing budgets.
Local SEO rankings budget: On average, most small businesses looking to rank high in Google for their top 1 – 4 keywords in their city should set aside $500 – $1500 a month for search engine optimization, marketing and some PPC. If the business is in a very competitive market like cars, medical and legal services, those rates could be double or more per month.
Regional SEO rankings budget: Businesses that need to rank high in Google search for their top 1 – 10 keywords within an area of 100 – 200 mile radius can expect to pay $3000 – $6000 per month for organic SEO work. Those who are looking to rank for western, middle or eastern regions will need to double that number.
National SEO rankings budget: This can be a bit tricky for some small business owners who sell products and services anywhere in the US. Some markets can get away with a monthly SEO budget of $8000 and rank well for profitable keyword phrases. Others will need to target specific cities to keep within their budgets. SEO is not a set in stone service. It is always fluctuating and changing. One day your website could be #1 for a very competitive keyword, and then next week, seemingly disappear from the search results. This is why a solid SEO plan is important before blindly setting out trying to rank for everything that you think will bring in new clients.
In my one on one or group Internet Marketing Workshops, I customize the class to match the individual businesses who attend. I focus on small actions that yield the largest results for my clients. I have found that small business owners are very busy and need to get to the point right away. They also need to see that the marketing strategies actually works. There is nothing more frustrating than spending countless hours “learning” a marketing strategy only to learn later that it was a total waste of your time.
I run a handful of successful monthly SEO and PPC campaigns for larger clients to keep me in the SEO game. With Googles 600+ a year changes and updates to their algorithm, I have too!
My goal is to keep the marketing training session fun, relaxed and super helpful for the small business.
You can sign up for a one on one marketing coaching session for $165 one hour time, recorded session or join Sandy with a group of 5, 10 or 20 other businesses and learn useful marketing tips and tricks for $99 an hour. All marketing coaching sessions include 30 minutes research time where Sandy will look into your current rankings, competitors rankings and what is working now in your industry. All training sessions are as customized as possible for the best possible results.
“If your clients Ain’t Happy (Ain’t Nobody Happy) .” Sandy Rowley SEO Coach Call or text to chat anytime. 775-870-0488
Social Media Marketing is an important trigger for better rankings in search like Google and Social media.
Email marketing is a powerful tool, when used creatively to boost your companies social media mentions.
Learned how to find trending photos and content using Pinterest.com.
Talked about what is working in traditional marketing now and how to implement in your next business strategy.
Reviewed a few local websites and gained invaluable insights and suggestions for new product offerings. www.indigo.earth
Talked about tagging and hashtaging on Facebook and Pinterest to reach new customers for free.
Brainstormed social media marketing plans for a local student college blog network, off road club, custom jewelry company and a goddess retreat website.
Discussed next weeks free class, Pitch Craft with Megan Anerson with her company Here+Now. Next Tuesday the 24th at 12 pm. https://www.facebook.com/hereandnowcoach/
Each business took home meaningful information to implement for this month. To report back on February 16th at 11 – 12. Located on second floor in Fusion@Midtown Co-Working Space. Call Sandy to RSVP or else…. jk :). 775-453-6120.
Over the course of my 23 years in business, I have identified and refined my understanding and use of these ten drivers that create upside leverage and exponential business growth that I have used (along with the highest performing businesses) to drive sustainable growth, profitability and competitive superiority.
This course is designed to help you examine how these ten drivers directly relate to your business efforts, activities and opportunities. Also, it allows us to drill down directly into your business so you start to create upside leverage which means getting an activity, an investment, an opportunity, and an effort of people or creative intellectual capital to produce for you and your business at a much higher, bigger, better, more profitable yield or result than it otherwise would.
1. Marketing
2. Your Strategy
3. Sales
4. Capital (Human, Intellectual, Financial)
5. Your Business Model
6. Relationships
7. Your Distribution Channels
8. Your Products and Services
9. Your Processes, Procedures & Systems
10. Your Ideology
I am positive that this course will animate your spirit, challenge your sense of what’s truly possible, excite your creative and achieve mental side of your brain – and provoke you to start demanding the maximum performance capability.
It is my heartfelt desire to see you never again, unknowingly, restrict or limit the amount of clients you generate, the amount of profit you make, the amount of impact you have in the world, the market value of your business, the success you achieve, the joy and control you maintain – and the prosperity and impact you can have in the world!
Learn From Local Experts:
Tim Nelson
Evans Nelson & Company CPAs
At Evans Nelson & Company CPAs, we get results for our clients
because we invest the appropriate and necessary time educating
ourselves on the current rules and regulations of the trade.
Sandy Rowley
SEO & Marketing Expert
Leading SEO & Marketing expert with a Webby Award winning Designer
with a background in conversion website design.
Learn proven internet marketing tactics that will increase
website views and sales. RenoWebDesigner.com
Kevin Cicocotti
Human Factor Formula
What makes the difference between an average leader and an
outstanding one? What skills are essential to develop in order to
increase your impact and influence and achieve exceptional results? Humanfactorformula.com
Brynn Breuner
MindSpark Branding
MindSpark Branding helps new and established businesses
stand out, build credibility, and make more money working
for the people who really love the work you do. What do you stand for?
Reno Business Class is coming soon to a FaceBook and YouTube page soon.
Follow Sandy Rowley, leading business marketing expert on her official FaceBook.com page to learn more!
Reno Business Class has partnered with Sandy Rowley, local SEO expert and tech entrepreneur, to provide a one-night class that provides deeper look at SEO and how best to optimize your company’s website for maximum growth. Her reputation as a fair, honest and hard-working marketing consultant has helped her launch a new venture focusing on local SEO services in the Nevada area. Small business marketing is at the heart of her new company, RenoWebDesigner.com.
“I set out to only use local SEO strategies to build up my clientele this go around. I am using the same SEO and internet marketing tactics learned from years of experience working with world renowned celebrities, corporations and startups.” Sandy Rowley RWDR
Sandy Rowley is a Webby Award winning internet marketing expert with a proven track record of helping startups, business and world renown influencers leverage online marketing strategies for maximum growth. She has hands on experience ranking small to corporate size websites and networks, for local and national keywords.
Some of her most notable clients throughout her career, were Harpo Studios, David Avacado Wolfe, Body Mind Institute, Patti LaBelle, Voice Latina and Universal Records. She is a website and advertising campaign judge for The Webby Awards (the Oscars of the Internet) and volunteers her time to help protect local pollinators in her spare time.
Her 17+ years’ experience includes grass roots social media campaigns, local organic and international SEO (search engine optimization) strategies and website conversion tactics geared towards converting highly optimized website views into leads, information request and ultimately sales.
“Most clients are focusing on the wrong SEO metrics. They are wanting to be #1 for their own business name in Google search. With solid SEO services, this ranking will come naturally. The # 1 focus these businesses should be focusing on are the keywords their potential customers are searching for each day in search and social media networks. These are the key phrases I work to rank a customer’s website for.” Sandy Rowley RenoWebDesigner.com
Highly targeted SEO marketing focuses in on the most profitable keyword phrases within your business niche. SEO research takes time and a clear understanding of the main goal for a webpage within a website.
Our SEO experts use a number of safe SEO and Internet Marketing strategies to find the best keyword phrases for our clients:
A/B testing
Competitor Analysis
In-depth Website Review for code errors that block indexing in search engines
Heat Maps
Marketing Content Creation
Proprietary SEO Tools
Social Reach Best Practices
Algorithm Update Monitoring
And other cutting edge marketing software and services to gain the leading rank for your industry.
Safe SEO takes time, most marketing campaigns take up to 3 months to see solid ranking and relevant traffic generation. Sandy Rowley and the team at RWDR patiently assesses each client’s website marketing needs and carefully plans out a path to reach those goals. Constantly tracking the success and failures within an ever evolving campaign takes skill and follow through. Most search engine algorithms update daily. A good SEO company stays up to date on the daily changes within what is considered safe, white hat SEO practices.
Most small business owners do not have the time to keep up to date with the latest SEO marketing strategies. “I see a lot of business websites that are unknowingly causing harm to their rankings in search. I have seen everything from keyword stuffing techniques to black hat SEO companies buying fake traffic to falsely increase a customer’s rankings, only to have their website banned in search.” Sandy Rowley RWDR
Sandy and her team focus on teaching their clients about common black hat SEO and how best to protect their hard earned rankings in Google, Yahoo and Bing. Sandy provides a free Internet Marketing Workshop, Lunch & Learn each month at Fusion@Midtown co-working space in Reno. This monthly marketing group meets for an hour around lunch to review each other’s websites, social media pages and business marketing ideas. It is a non-judgmental group of local businesses looking to learn about marketing tips and strategies.
Most websites need simple updates and corrections in order to start ranking in local search for their keywords. Her website offers weekly internet marketing articles with easy to digest stories, strategies and marketing information.
What to expect at Catalyst Live SEO & Internet Marketing class?
This internet marketing workshop will be a fun, relaxed but helpful atmosphere to answer marketing related questions. Talk about challenges and how best to move forward. Some topics covered will be:
How can Internet Marketing help grow my small business?
What is the difference between PPC, SEO and SEM?
Hands on review of several websites from class members.
Review of quick tips to boost engagement on your social media profiles/pages.
Highlight of what is working now in the world of SEO.
Horror Stories: Black Hat SEO tricks to watch out for.
Question and Answer session.
Free and Paid resources to help grow your website traffic.
How to Dramatically Increase Conversions.
Understand how Web Analytics can help boost sales.
Learn about A/B testing.
How to start a new website, things to consider.
SEO Web Design Basics
What is an SEO audit?
Mobile website design strategies
Social Media Marketing tactics
Webby Award Winning web designer with an exceptional talent and knack for ranking websites in Google, Yahoo, Bing and on popular social media networks. Performing full technical SEO site audits for small and large website properties from around the world.
Schedule your free 15 minute website review with Sandy Rowley, leading SEO, PPC and Social Media Marketing Expert. I have worked with businesses in person and all over the country via live computer sessions.
Call 775 453 6120 to learn more.
Use the information you learn to massively increase your conversions, rankings in Google search and have more control over your company websites. Join us at Swill Coffee & Wine to learn how to grow your small business with SEO, PPC & Social media.
Would you like to have a customized, easy to understand, internet marketing plan to help your small business reach more of your customers online?
I offer 3 marketing workshop plans to help your business grow:
Video Website Review and marketing audit – See what areas need to be improved and how best to optimize your website to rank for the right keywords. Keep the video and watch when you have the time. You will learn exactly what you need to have done to rank high in Google search. This is a one time fee of $149.
One on one Marketing Strategy and Training session – This includes the video services above as well as a written report, one on one training and free resources to help you save time and money. This is a one time fee of $499.
Expert Managed Marketing – Let me do the heavy lifting for you. Most of my local SEO plans start at $300 a month. All of my SEO and PPC clients earn way more each month that the small monthly marketing fee I charge, btw. 😉
I also give free 1 hour marketing workshops in the Reno Nv area. Our next marketing workshop is coming up in a few months. Give me a call to learn more. I can be reached at 775 453 6120.
Wishing you all the best,
Sandy Rowley
RWDR (RenoWebDesigner.com Sandy Rowley) will collaborate with local Reno Businesses looking to improve their website performance and traffic. Bring a lunch and your internet marketing questions. 11 am – 12 pm ‘ish.
We meet at Swill Coffee & Wine each month in Reno Nv.
This internet marketing workshop is sponsored by Sandy Rowley with RenoWebDesigner.com.
workshop internet marketing, web marketing workshop, internet marketing workshops, internet marketing workshop, webdesigner com.
“We get together and help each other with our marketing, website, social media and other business related questions. This is a relaxed group of local business owners looking to learn something new to help grow their business.” Sandy Rowley RWDR
No pressure, no judgmental energy allowed..everyone comes to these free marketing workshops to help each other grow, have fun and learn something new.
Have questions? Call the organizer, Sandy Rowley @ 775-453-6120.
Best SEO Expert
Top SEO Expert, Sandy Rowley, specializes in growing small business with the latest in digital marketing technologies. Her team creates AI systems for business looking to compete in Artificial intelligence . Imagine unlocking the full potential of your brand, reaching new audiences, and driving growth like never before.
You're not just running a business; you're growing a dream, and with the right marketing strategies, that dream can scale. It's time to move beyond the challenges of limited resources and expertise. By partnering with marketing professionals, you open the door to innovative ideas, expert guidance, and effective strategies tailored to your unique business needs.
Don't let your business's potential go untapped. Work with Top SEO Expert and elevate your brand and watch as your vision transforms into success. Call for marketing help today, and take the first step towards a thriving future for your business.