Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about SEO marketing:

  1. What is SEO marketing?
    • SEO marketing, also known as Search Engine Optimization marketing, refers to the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results. The goal is to attract organic (non-paid) traffic by ranking higher on search engine result pages (SERPs).
  2. Who are some of the best SEO experts in the world?
    1. Neil Patel.
    2. Sandy Rowley.
    3. Brian Dean.
    4. Ranch Fishkin.
    5. Ann Smarty.
    6. Matt Diggity.
    7. Craig Campbell.
  3. Why is SEO important for my business?
    • SEO is essential for businesses because it helps increase organic website traffic, improves online visibility, and enhances brand awareness. A higher ranking in search results can lead to more potential customers discovering your products or services.
  4. What are the main components of SEO marketing?
    • The main components of SEO marketing include on-page optimization (keyword research, content, meta tags, etc.), off-page optimization (link building, social media engagement), technical SEO (site speed, mobile-friendliness), and local SEO (Google My Business, local citations).
  5. How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?
    • The time it takes to see results from SEO can vary depending on various factors such as website age, competition, and the effectiveness of the SEO strategy. Generally, it can take a few months to see noticeable improvements in search rankings and traffic.
  6. What is the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?
    • On-page SEO focuses on optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings. This involves keyword research, content optimization, meta tags, and URL structure. Off-page SEO involves strategies to improve the website’s authority and reputation through link building and social media engagement.
  7. What are backlinks, and why are they important for SEO?
    • Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. They are crucial for SEO because search engines view them as votes of confidence and authority. High-quality backlinks from reputable sources can improve your website’s credibility and search engine rankings.
  8. What is keyword research, and how do I find the right keywords for my business?
    • Keyword research involves identifying the search terms and phrases that your target audience uses to find products or services like yours. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can help you find relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition.
  9. Is SEO only for Google, or does it apply to other search engines too?
    • While Google is the most popular search engine, SEO practices can apply to other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. However, Google has the largest market share, so optimizing for Google is often a priority.
  10. What is the difference between organic and paid search results?
    • Organic search results are the non-paid listings that appear based on their relevance to the user’s search query. Paid search results, on the other hand, are advertisements that businesses pay for to appear at the top of the search results.
  11. Is SEO a one-time effort, or do I need to continuously work on it?
    • SEO is an ongoing process. Search engine algorithms change regularly, and competition evolves, so continuously monitoring and updating your SEO strategy is essential to maintain and improve your search rankings.

Remember that SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, and these FAQs only scratch the surface. It’s essential to stay informed and seek expert guidance to ensure your SEO efforts yield the best results. Call Sandy Rowley, top SEO Expert at 775-870-0488.

What is SEO?

What is SEO?

How can it help grow my business online?

Search Engine Optimization, shortly called as SEO is a method used to improve the position that your website appears at in the search engine results pages (SERP) for certain queries or keywords. It is done by optimizing different on-page and off-page SEO factors like title tags, meta descriptions, images, etc. A higher position in the SERP means more web traffic which can lead to more customers and conversions for your business.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and refers to the practice of increasing the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing a website for search engines, businesses can increase their chances of appearing higher in SERPs for relevant keywords, which can ultimately lead to increased web traffic and brand awareness. Additionally, SEO can help a business to improve the usability and quality of their website, making it more likely that visitors will stay on the site and continue engaging with the brand.

What are the benefits of SEO?

SEO can help businesses grow online in a number of ways. By improving the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs), businesses can attract more visitors to their site. This can lead to increased traffic and, ultimately, more customers and sales. In addition, SEO can also help to improve the quality of a website, making it more user-friendly and likely to convert visitors into customers. Finally, SEO can help build brand awareness and credibility, both of which are important for any business looking to succeed online.

How does SEO work?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). Often, this is accomplished by improving the site’s content, structure, and on-page elements like titles, metatags, and anchor text. Good SEO can help a website or web page attract more visitors from search engines, and can ultimately lead to increased sales or other conversions.

SEO is not easy, and it often requires ongoing effort to maintain and improve rankings. However, businesses that invest in SEO can see significant ROI over time. For small businesses in particular, SEO can be a great way to level the playing field against larger competitors.

What are some common SEO strategies?

There are many different SEO strategies that businesses can use to improve their rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Some common strategies include optimizing website content for relevant keywords, building backlinks from high-quality websites, and creating informative and keyword-rich blog posts. Implementing a well-rounded SEO strategy can help businesses to attract more website visitors, leads, and customers.

How can I get started with SEO for my business?

SEO can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is essential for businesses that want to grow their online presence. There are a few key things you can do to get started with SEO:

1. Research your keywords. Identify the words and phrases that potential customers are using to find businesses like yours.

2. Optimize your website content. Use your keywords throughout your website content, including in your titles, headings, and metatags.

3. Build links to your website. One of the most important ranking factors for SEO is the number of high-quality links pointing to your website. Try to get links from other websites, directories, and social media platforms.

4. Monitor your progress. Use Google Analytics or another web analytics tool to track your SEO progress and identify areas for improvement.


SEO can be a complex and confusing topic, but it doesn’t have to be. By understanding what SEO is and how it can help grow your business online, you can start to see the benefits for yourself. And if you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of reputable SEO agencies that can help get your website ranking high in search engines. So don’t wait any longer, start growing your business today with SEO!

What is SEO?

What is SEO?

What is SEO? Audio tutorial short on YouTube.



What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which is a process that uses certain tools and approaches to optimize the design, structure, content and popularity of a website. The objective of SEO is to attract higher amounts of high-quality traffic to the website.

The most successful websites are those that rank high when people search for products or services in the websites’ niche. SEO works by enhancing the popularity and visibility of a website, both to human visitors and search engine algorithms, so that the website features higher up than its competitors, in searches, on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS).

In a highly competitive niche, a web search can sometimes deliver thousands of results, spread over scores of SERP.  SEO works by prioritizing well optimized web pages, and displaying them earlier on – within the top-3 or top-10 results of page 1.  Less optimized pages have less visibility, because they might appear on page 5 or 15, where typical consumers might never venture.

In the above SERP for the query “snow blowers for sale in New York”, SEO works by ranking the best optimized website at the top of the list of results, followed by sites with comparatively less optimized sites. Sites with poor or no SEO follow at the rear.

what is seo?

How do you do SEO?

Because search engine’s like Google constantly evolve their SEO algorithm methodologies, SEO is a relative activity. It depends on what you are optimizing the site for. For example, if a search engine’s algorithm looks for English content with perfect grammar and no spelling mistakes, to rank such sites high up in their SERPs, then one task in “doing SEO” must include fixing the grammar, spelling, punctuations and tenses of all content hosted on the website.

SEO is not about one single thing. In fact, “doing SEO” involves several factors, including:

  1. The quality of content on each page of the site. Higher quality means better SEO ranking
  2. On-Page SEO: This includes actions such as using appropriate and highly popular, keywords within page content; inviting other popular websites to link to your site, and making use of keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions and H1
  3. Effective Keywords: The use of highly relevant keywords
  4. Mobile-Friendliness: Use of responsive page design so the page loads on small-footprint and mobile devices
  5. Useful Backlinks: Linking to credible and high-authority websites
  6. BOT-friendly: Using site design techniques that make it easy for search algorithms to crawl through, index and rank the site
  7. Speed: Building pages that load faster, and having content that refreshes with minimal delay
  8. User Engagement: Having websites that are easy to navigate and user-friendly

Other SEO tactics include promoting the site via guest posts and through social media posts. The use of URLs too, make an impact on SEO. For instance, using URLs with specific (and popular) keywords, having related descriptive URLs, and using secure URL protocols (“https” instead of “http”) also help when doing SEO properly.

What do you mean by SEO?

The acronym “SEO” stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it refers to a process of optimizing a website to attract un-paid (or organic) traffic from web queries. When people want something off the web – for instance some information about an event, or a product or service they wish to purchase – they’ll typically search for it on the web. This process starts by keying-in a search term or a search word. For example, this might be:

  • “COVID-19”; or
  • “COVID-19 travel restrictions in New York”


This is a web search query. The web browsers’ search engine (such as Google, Yahoo or Microsoft Edge) takes that query, and uses an algorithm to look for web pages that are a best fit to answer that query, and displays the most appropriate ones in the browsers’ search engine result pages (SERPs). So, the question is: If there are 500-million web pages that can answer the query, are all listed on SERPs?

The answer is: Maybe! However, the algorithm will only look for the most appropriate web sites to display in its SERPs. SEO is a set of strategies and tactics that website owners and online marketers use to ensure their site is one of those displayed higher-up on the SERP.

In the sample screenshot above, there may be several hundred million webpages that address the question “COCID-19 travel restrictions in New York”. However, Google only brings back 348-million results from pages optimized for Google’s search engine. If your browser is configured to display 50-results at a time, you may (hypothetically) have nearly 7-million pages of results to sift through. However, SEO ensures that the most optimized results appear in the top 5 or 10 on page 1.

What is an SEO example?

Browsers display web query results in two segments: Paid and unpaid (or organic). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique that helps website owners and online marketers display their websites higher up on organic website searches than their competitors. Because most consumers only act on web search results from the first few pages of a query, having the best optimized websites appear ahead of lesser-optimized websites makes it more likely for better optimized sites to get more organic (or unpaid) traffic.

A good example of the use of SEO is illustrated in the screen shot below.


The searcher queries Google for “snow blowers for sale in New York”. Google determined that there are 9.28 million webpages that meet the criteria for the query. Of these, the top three results are paid advertisers. These rank high regardless of whether they meet specific SEO criteria – money talks! For most other websites – 9.279 million of them in the above example – SEO matters.

Why? Because only the most well-optimized websites feature high in the search engine results page (SERPs) for the above sample query. In the example above, the website listed as #4 will likely receive more traffic than those appearing below it. Additionally, because of how consumers interact with the SERP listings – they only typically view the first 4 or 5 pages before clicking on a link to buy – a webpage listed high-up on page 1 (as opposed to featured on page 2 or 200!) will receive more organic traffic than those featured as number 20 on page 1 or (ranked 1 on page 2). And that’s just yet another example of SEO done well!

What are SEO tools?

Like any project – for instance a home improvement task – having a good set of tools makes all the difference to how well website owners do SEO. The tools not only help with implementing a good SEO strategy, but, once in place, some tools help monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategy.

Here are three great SEO tools to consider:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights: This is Google’s tool that analyzes the speed of a webpage and then offers recommendations on page speed and how to better improve it.


  • Google Analytics: This is another one of Google’s tools that helps website owners make useful decisions regarding their SEO strategy. It uses machine learning capabilities to extract data about your webpage, your site, visitors to your site and your competitors. The data is then presented in helpful analytical reports and graphs to aid in prioritizing SEO responses.
  • Bing Webmaster Tools: This is a Microsoft tool that allows website owners to perform SEO analysis on their websites. The tool helps you optimize your web pages so you rank better on the Microsoft Bing search engine.



  • Ahrefs Backlink Checker: Backlinks are one element, albeit a very important one, of SEO that all search engines consider when ranking a webpage on their SERPs. This tool analyzes a website and provides invaluable feedback on backlinks, and offers statistics on the Referencing pages’ Domain Rating (DR), URL Rating (UR), the number of links to your site from that page and the monthly organic traffic of that referring page. This data is invaluable to building your own SEO strategy.



How many types of SEO are there?

There are various ways that website owners and webmasters may opt to do SEO. Some of the more popular types of SEO include:

  • On-Page SEO: This type of SEO deals with features that optimize the page, it’s structure and its content to make it SEO-friendly
  • Off-Page SEO: This type of SEO focuses on promoting the page/website on external sources (other websites, social media, directory listings)
  • Technical SEO: This type of SEO focuses on optimizing the technical parameters of a website that impact a search engine’s ability to optimize and rank the page/site
  • Content SEO: As a sub-set of an on-Page optimization strategy, this SEO tactic concentrates on optimizing site and page using high-quality content
  • Local SEO: Local SEO is best used to promote a business within a local community or physical distance
  • Mobile SEO: This SEO focuses on optimizing websites for mobile devices
  • eCommerce SEO: Online marketers take advantage of eCommerce SEO to popularize their websites on search engines

Not all types of SEO are, however, applicable to every website. For instance, if your website only provides information to your visitors, and does not market or sell any product or service, then there’s no value in doing eCommerce SEO.

What is SEO?

What is SEO?

What is SEO and how can it help grow my business?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. What is a search engine? Google, Yahoo, Bing and other online databases allow users to search to find products and services, usually for free. (Learn more about my SEO coaching sessions here.)

See the example below. If you go to Google and search for ‘Reno Marketing’ you will see a list of marketing companies in our local area. Our company, ranks at the top of the search results, on the first page for this popular keyword. This is a perfect example of what SEO is and how it can help grow your business. Most Google searchers are either in research mode or they are ready to buy. No need to spend tens of thousands of dollars a month on billboard, radio or newspaper that targets everyone. Only spend a fraction of the cost with SEO or other digital marketing strategies to reach your best customers online.

Reno Digital Marketing

Google is by far the most popular search engine being used today.

Your business and/or charity needs to do SEO or search engine optimization in order to position your website within these online databases and / or search engines.

How do you do SEO?

There are over 200 items that need to be considered when optimization your website for the top search engines. Some of the most important website ranking factors are:

  1. Is your website mobile ready?
  2. Do you have useful and relevant content on your website?
  3. How fast does your website load?
  4. Join our free local marketing group on Meetup.com by clicking here.

Google is always improving their search engine algorithms in order to weed out any websites that could be malicious, slow loading, poor content or just overall a bad user experience for their millions of searchers.

Reno Marketing

Sign up for our next free marketing workshop in Reno here.

Join us each month as local SEO Marketing Expert, Sandy Rowley, shares simple yet effective digital marketing strategies that help grow your business online.

Shopify, an online e commerce platform, shares more information on SEO and how this digital marketing strategy can help increase sales for online stores.

SEO is one of the most easiest ways to reach customers who are ready to buy online. Social media marketing is great for branding and awareness, but it has a longer period of time needed in order to close a sale.  PPC or pay-per-click marketing has a shorter life cycle, but could be used to raise brand awareness and trust over time as well as position your company high in Google search.


Submit Your Website to These Free Directories

Submit Your Website to These Free Directories



Now that you have your website up and running, you need to put together a simple plan to help your future customers learn about your services and products. The old adage, ‘Build it and they will come’ only applies to businesses located in high foot traffic locations, not online.

Google and other search engines need to see that other website properties find your website valuable and helpful in some way. Most websites “vote” for your website with a back link.

What is a back link?

A back link is where another website links a page on their website with a page on your website. For example, FreeWebSubmission.com is a back link to Free Web submission’s website. 

Check their website stats with tools like SEMrush.com and Ahrefs.com and you will see that this website has thousands of back links. These back links are one of many SEO factors that help this online website directory rank high in Google search engine.

Although having back links can help your website rank high in search engines, you must keep in mind the following facts:

  • Buying back links is usually a bad idea. Having back links from spam sites can harm your SEO.
  • Find back links that are from websites in similar niches as your own.
  • Make this one of your top priorities each week for ongoing SEO support.

Want to know how well your website is really doing in SEO? Use my free SEO tool here.

HUGE list of Free Website Directories

source: https://rapidboostmarketing.com/30-free-directory-submission-sites-to-drive-crazy-traffic-to-your-website/

1.      All Free Things  (Page Rank 4)


2. Free PR Web Directory (Page Rank 6)


3. Travel Tourism Directory Info (Page Rank 6)


4.  So Much (Page Rank 6)


5. High Rank Directory (Page Rank 6)


6. Britain Business Directory (Page Rank 6)


7. Marketing Internet Directory (Page Rank 6)


8. Hot Vs Not (Page Rank 6)


9.  Submission Web Directory (Page Rank 6)


10. Diolead (Page Rank 6)


11. Uk Internet Directory (Page Rank 6)


12. Jet Jaws (Page Rank 6)



Reno SEO Expert
Call Sandy and learn how you can dominate your competitors. 775-870-0488.

13. Esjoub (Page Rank 6)


14. Lilink (Page Rank 7)


15. Feed Up Info (Page Rank 8)


16. Finance Buster (Page Rank 6)


17. Synergy-Directory (Page Rank 4)


18. Nexus Directory (Page Rank 4)


19. Directory Fire (Page Rank 4)


20. Master Moz (Page Rank 4) 


21. Direct My Link (Page Rank 4)


22. Pro Link Directory (Page Rank 4)


23. Info-Listings (Page Rank 4)


24. Submissions 4U (Page Rank 4)


25.  Piseries (Page Rank 4)


26. Gain Web Org (Page Rank 4)


27 Best Free Websites Net (Page Rank 3)


28. PR 3 Plus (Page Rank 3)


29. Web Directory Co (Page Rank 3)


30. 10 Directory (Page Rank 3)


31. https://www.blogrollcenter.com/

32. https://www.blogtopsites.com

33. https://www.blogsearch.com

34. https://blogswirl.com

35. https://blogville.us

36. https://blogrific.com

37. https://www.blogflux.com

38. https://www.blogdir.co.uk

39. https://blogsrater.com

40. https://www.bloglisting.net

41. https://www.bocaiw.net

42. https://www.cipinet.com

43. https://www.cluboo.com

44. https://www.directoryseo.biz

45. https://www.freedirectorysubmit.com

46. https://www.freetoprankdirectory.com

47. https://www.freewebsitedirectory.com/

48. https://www.findsites.net

49. https://fuelmyblog.com

50. https://www.gainweb.org

51. https://www.h-log.com

52. https://www.happal.com

53. https://www.highrankdirectory.com

54. https://homepageseek.com/

55. https://www.hottestblogs.com

56. https://www.infolistings.com

57. https://www.informationcrawler.com

58. https://www.jewana.com

59. https://www.linkpedia.net

60. https://www.linkroo.com

61. https://linksmaximum.com

62. https://www.linkminded.com

63. https://www.livepopular.com

64. https://www.marketingwebdirectory.com

65. https://www.nexusdirectory.com

66. https://www.onlinesociety.org

67. https://www.pegasusdirectory.com

68. https://picktu.com

69. https://www.plazoo.com

70. https://www.prolinkdirectory.com

71. https://www.promotebusinessdirectory.com

72. https://www.ranaf.com

73. https://www.rocktheadored.com

74. https://www.sites-plus.com

75. https://www.sitepromotiondirectory.com

76. https://www.submissionwebdirectory.com

77. https://somuch.com

78. https://www.synergydirectory.com

79. https://www.thefreedirectory.co.uk/

80. https://www.topsiteswebdirectory.com

81. https://www.urlshack.com

82. https://www.usgeo.org

83. https://www.w3catalog.com

84. https://www.wilsdomain.com

85. https://www.worldwebdirectory.com

86. https://www.addyourblog.com

87. https://www.blogdirs.com/

88. https://www.blogsdb.com

89. https://www.bloghints.com

90. https://www.blogratedirectory.com

91. https://www.blogsthatfollow.com

92. https://www.blogtoplist.com

93. https://carefullypicked.com

94. https://www.ellysdirectory.com

95. https://www.freeaddurl.org

96. https://www.ontoplist.com

97. https://www.mvomrat.com

98. https://www.rapidenetwork.eu

99. https://www.spillbean.com

100. https://www.thecgisite.com

101. https://www.wordpressblogdirectory.com/


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Back link)


backlink for a given web resource is a link from some other website (the referrer) to that web resource (the referent).[1] A web resource may be (for example) a website, web page, or web directory.[1]

A backlink is a reference comparable to a citation. The quantity, quality, and relevance of backlinks for a web page are among the factors that search engines like Google evaluate in order to estimate how important the page is.[2][3] PageRank calculates the score for each web page based on how all the web pages are connected among themselves, and is one of the variables that Google Search uses to determine how high a web page should go in search results.[4] This weighting of backlinks is analogous to citation analysis of books, scholarly papers, and academic journals.[1][3] A Topical PageRank has been researched and implemented as well, which gives more weight to backlinks coming from the page of a same topic as a target page. [5]

Some other words for backlink are incoming linkinbound linkinlinkinward link, and citation.[1]

How can you get more relevant back links to your website?

Not all back links are created equal. Some back links have more authority. This is because the website has a large volume of its own back links as well as thousands of pages of relevant and related industry content that is trusted within the Google network.

These high value websites are often difficult to get a back link on, but are doable.

Some strategies to help you secure a high value back link are:

  1. Write a long form article that includes a helpful and professionally designed inforgraphic. I can can help design this infographic for you if needed. (My rates are $850 per infographic).
  2. Share this article with popular news sites looking for this type of content. Allow them to post your long form (2,000 words or more) content with custom infographic onto their news site and/or blog. Make sure to link back to your main website.
  3. Offer to share tips and useful information for your local Chamber of Commerce website. Make sure to include a website link back to your about us page. Most people only link back to the home page of their website, this is a mistake. You should send back links to different sections of your website for the best SEO results.
  4. Complete as many social media profiles as you can. Make sure to add a website url to your companies main website within each social media profile section. This is very time consuming, but worth the effort in the long run.





Another great blog that shares how to get more backlinks for your website…

101 Ways to Get Quality Backlinks To Your Blog in 2018

When ever we talk about SEO, we divide it into on site and off site SEO. Off site SEO mainly contains backlinks and social signals. Specially, to boost your ranking in SERP’s you need to get quality links from other authority sites. We all know the importance of search engine traffic and that getting high quality backlinks to your blog is one of the best ways to improve your blogs rankings and get better search engine traffic and results, this post will be listing 101 ways by which you can get quality backlinks to your blog.

Though before we move ahead, here are things that you need to keep in mind. In 2012, Google launched Penguin update, which is targeted to get rid of sites using spammy or paid ways to build links. Also, many ways which I mentioned in the article are not so good ways to get quality backlinks, so I will strikethrough such ways and you can ignore them.