Google Removing Websites July 5th 2024

Google Removing Websites July 5th 2024

Google’s July 5 Deadline: No Mobile, No Rankings – Reno Web Designer Can Help

Google’s 2016 mobile-first indexing initiative is reaching its final stage, and it’s a big deal for every website owner. John Mueller from Google dropped a bombshell on the Google blog: after July 5, 2024, if your website doesn’t work on mobile devices, Google won’t index or rank it. This could mean disappearing from search results entirely.

The Mobile Mandate
“After July 5, 2024, we’ll crawl and index these sites with only Googlebot Smartphone,” Mueller announced. He didn’t mince words: “If your site’s content is not accessible at all with a mobile device, it will no longer be indexable.” That’s Google-speak for “if it doesn’t work on phones, we won’t show it in search results.”

But don’t panic yet. You don’t need a fancy mobile design (though it helps). Google’s just saying your site needs to load and be usable on mobile. So, even a basic desktop site that works on phones is okay for now.

Why This Matters to You
Think about how you search nowadays. Probably on your phone, right? Google knows this, and they’re making a stand. No mobile access, no Google love. For businesses, especially local ones, this could mean losing customers who can’t find you online.

Reno Web Designer to the Rescue
If you’re in Reno and sweating this deadline, breathe easy., a local web design company, specializes in making websites mobile-friendly. They understand the Reno market and Google’s requirements.

“We’ve been prepping for this since Google first hinted at mobile-first,” says a spokesperson from Reno Web Designer. “Whether you need a simple fix to make your current site mobile-accessible or a full mobile-friendly redesign, we’ve got Reno businesses covered.”

Your Action Plan
1. Test your site on different phones. Does it load? Can you use it?
2. Use Google Search Console’s URL Inspection tool to see if Google can view your pages on mobile.
3. If there are issues, don’t wait. Contact They’ll assess your site and provide solutions tailored to your Reno business.

Remember, it’s not just about dodging Google’s penalty. A mobile-friendly site means better user experience, more traffic, and potentially more business. And in a competitive market like Reno, every advantage counts.

The Clock is Ticking
July 5, 2024, might seem far off, but in the web world, it’s just around the corner. Don’t let your Reno business vanish from Google because of an outdated website. Reach out to today. They’ll ensure your site not only survives Google’s mobile deadline but thrives in the mobile-first future.

Businesses in Reno, being mobile-ready isn’t just good customer service – after July 5, it’s essential. With, you’re not just meeting Google’s requirements; you’re setting your Reno business up for online success.

SEO Reno

SEO Reno

SEO Reno

Updated June 6 2024.

Have a business in Reno Nevada area? 

Looking to rank your business website on the first page of Google for your products and services?

Call or text Sandy Rowley at 775-870-0488.

Small business owners are in luck. More and more customers prefer working with locally owned and family owned businesses over large franchises. Better service and support, and keeping the money local is a good idea! Havard Study Proves Locally Owned Business Will Outwin Large Franchises.

Hello there, fellow Reno area business owner. I have used SEO to outrank local and international competitors since 1999. If you search for anything related to SEO, Web Design and other Digital Marketing services in Reno or anywhere for that matter, this website ranks high on the first page of Google.

Reno SEO Company – How to Qualify an SEO Company Before Hiring.

Its simple, we practice what we sell.

If you place our website address inside any kewyord research tool, you will see that we rank for hundreds of SEO and Web Design related keyword!

Always test your SEO expert or company before hiring them. Their own website should rank high in the Google SERPS.

Give us a quick call and let us show you we mean business 775-870-0488.


SEO (search engine optimization) allows your website to reach thousands of people in Google who are searching for your services, products and/or business name. SEO is considered a “free” version of Googles Pay Per Click program where you can bid on a keyword in order to advertise your website at the top areas of Google search.

Reno SEO Company

Position Your Website in the major search results…Trust that your business internet marketing is in good hands. Sandy Rowley and her team of SEO experts have the best reviews in the state.  Let us show you where the customers are.

Learn more about SEO and how it helps businesses succeed online…

Reno Nevada is one of the fastest growing cities in the US as of 2024. Reno area business owners have a unique advantage with running a business in the state of Nevada.

Digital marketing can help businesses reach a large amount of customers online with SEO services particulairly. Working with a local SEO in Reno is easy.


Call or text Sandy Rowley, top SEO expert in Reno for a 15 minute consultion. 775-870-0488. She has the best reviews in the state for SEO and Web Design services.


 SEO Companies in Reno

1. Sandy Rowley SEO

2. Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design

3. Evolve Agency


Learn more about search engine optimization

Wanted to share with you a free tip sheet on how to vet your SEO and/or Marketing agency on their level of competency as a digital marketer. This article is a bit controversial as I list, For Free, all of the top SEO experts in the worlds money making keywords.
Read and download the free guide here:

What does SEO mean? Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is a set of techniques that can be used to improve the ranking of a website on search engines. It is a important part of any online marketing strategy, as it can help to ensure that potential customers are able to find your site more easily. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what SEO is and how it can be used to benefit your business.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. The higher the ranking, the more likely people are to find the website.

There are many factors that go into SEO, including the use of keywords, backlinks, and metatags. However, one of the most important aspects of SEO is creating quality content. Content is what will draw people to your website and keep them coming back for more.

Creating quality content is not always easy, but it is essential if you want your website to be successful. There are a few things you can do to make sure your content is top-notch:

1. Write for your audience. It’s important to know who you are writing for and what they want to read about. Write content that appeals to their interests and needs.

2. Make it interesting. No one wants to read dull, boring content. Write with excitement and passion to keep readers engaged.

3. Keep it fresh. Regularly update your content to keep things fresh and relevant. This will also help you attract new readers.

4. Promote your content. Once you have created quality content,

What are the benefits of SEO?

There are many benefits of SEO, but some of the most important ones include:

1. SEO can help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can mean more visibility and traffic for your site.

2. SEO can help you improve the user experience of your site, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

3. SEO can help you attract more qualified leads, since people who find your site through search engines are usually already interested in what you have to offer.

4. SEO can help you get more bang for your marketing buck, since it’s a relatively cost-effective way to earn more visibility and traffic for your site.

What are some of the best practices for SEO?

There is no single answer to this question because the best practices for SEO (search engine optimization) vary depending on the Search Engine Optimization goals of a website. However, some common best practices include creating keyword-rich content, optimizing title tags and Meta descriptions, building backlinks, and creating a sitemap. By following these best practices, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which will ultimately lead to more website visitors.

What are some common mistakes people make with SEO?

There are a number of common mistakes people make when it comes to SEO. One of the most common is failing to target the right keywords. People often choose keywords that are too general or that are not relevant to their business. As a result, they end up getting very little traffic from their efforts.

Another common mistake is not optimizing their website for the search engines. This means that they fail to take advantage of all the potential traffic that could be coming their way. A well-optimized website will be much more likely to rank highly in the search engines, meaning more people will see it and potentially visit it.

Finally, another mistake people make is not keeping their SEO up-to-date. Search engine algorithms change all the time, so what worked last year may not work this year. It’s important to stay on top of these changes and make sure your SEO tactics are always current.

How can I improve my SEO?

There are a number of things you can do to improve your SEO, and it largely depends on what kind of website you have. If you have a blog, one thing you can do is to make sure that you have compelling and interesting content that will capture the attention of readers and encourage them to share your blog with their friends and followers. In addition, you should also focus on using keywords throughout your blog posts in order to help search engines index your content and make it more easily discoverable by potential readers.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the overall design and user-friendliness of your blog. This includes things like making sure your navigation is easy to use and that your pages load quickly. Both of these factors can affect your ranking in search engine results pages, so it’s important to pay attention to them.

Finally, promoting your blog through social media can also be a great way to improve your SEO. By sharing links to your latest blog posts on sites like Twitter and Facebook, you’ll not only get more eyes on your content but also give search engines an additional signal that your site is active and popular, which can help boost your ranking even further.


SEO is an important tool for any business that wants to be visible online. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can improve your visibility and attract more potential customers. While SEO can seem complex, it doesn’t have to be difficult; there are many simple steps you can take to improve your ranking. By following these tips, you can start increasing your traffic and improving your business’s bottom line.

What does SEO mean?

Looking to hire a SEO Expert or Company? Take 5 minutes and do a little homework on each company before signing a contract with them. Read below…

Quick Overview On How To Test Your Marketing Agencies SEO Skills

1. Copy the url of the website marketing agency. Example:
2. Paste into a free or paid Keyword Research Tool like Ahrefs, SEMrush or Ubersuggest.
3. Look at the keyword rankings count, then CLICK to see what keywords they actually rank for.
4. Compose yourself. LOL then ask? Why is a SEO or Digital Ad agency selling organic SEO services if they are not using SEO to reach new clients for their own website? Shocking huh?
Click here to view our current SEO rankings on Ubersuggest for free here: SEO Expert Rankings
Would love to hear your thoughts. Hope to see you at tomorrows marketing workshop in Reno.
All the best,
Your local SEO expert…Sandy


best SEO coach

SEO Expert in Reno Nevada

Each time a person clicks on one of the above ads, that business pays Google anywhere from .25 to $75+ a click!


PPC Pay Per Click advertising on Google search, is a great way to reach new customers fast, but you’re going to pay for it.


Although we have over 200 SEO tips to help a website rank well in Google, we have created Top 5 Tips to help your website rank for “free” in Google. Feel free to share.


Top 5 SEO Tips for Business


1. Renew your website domain name for 5 years or more. This shows Google that your website is likely a reputable business in the Reno Area. Make sure to update your local business address for your domain name, your email and contact information.

2. Add your business address in the Reno area as well as a local Reno phone number at the bottom of each page of your website. This helps Google to position your website in the right city where your customers can easily find you.

3. Claim your local Google Places / Map / Business listing in the Google search engine. Go to and search for your business name. Click ‘own this business?’ to begin adding photos, hours of operation and important information about your business.

4. Invite your clients to leave a 5 star review for your Reno business on Google Reviews. Google can be very picky about the reviews they actually approve to show up, even if the reviews are legit. A way to get around this little challenge is to have friends, family and customers leave a 5 star review on your Facebook page! Google now displays reviews from your Facebook page.

5. Add a new article, post, photos, coupon or item to your website every week. Installing a blog onto your website will allow you and staff to easily login and add content to your website without having to hire a web designer to do it for you. Adding content on a regular basis tells Google in a simple way, yes, we are still in business.

Voted best SEO expert in Reno Nevada!


These 5 Top SEO Tips really will help boost the views your website receives…often within the same month.

Too busy to do this SEO work?


I can help for as low as $1500 a month. Social Media Management, SEO and website updates as well. Call anytime!  I can be reached at 775-870-0488 or


Learn more about Reno SEO services! 

SEO is a very valuable marketing tool for small business owners in Reno. Ranking for a competitive keyword that positions your small business in Reno as the local leader, will increase your bottom line.


Most SEO work shows a positive increase in website traffic and sales within the first few months.


“All of our clients enjoy a positive R.O.I (return on investment) with our local SEO services.” Sandy Rowley local SEO expert in Reno Nv.


Why pay per click when you can rank for less?


The only reason to pay for PPC with Google, Yahoo and Bing is to dominate local Google search results.


Some clients chose to hire RWDR ( to do local organic SEO as well as a small PPC program with Google.


Often the client will rank at least 3 times on the first page of Google for their highest clicked keyword phrases.


RWDR uses on white hat safe SEO best practices. You never have to worry about us outsourcing to another country or worse, hiring some stranger on Fiverr for a SEO gig.


If it sounds too good to be true with Fiverr gigs, it is because they are too good to be true. You could end up hurting your business rankings for at least a year or more.


Saving a few dollars by ordering a $5 SEO gig is not worth the risk. You do really get what you pay for. Most of our SEO plans start at $8500 a month. Our average SEO client is over $2500 a month.


Average R.O.I for a local company is over $23,000 a month!


Give Sandy a quick call to discuss.


There are many seo tips that are worth checking out.

The web hosting company is one of the most important aspects of SEO for small businesses. This is because it influences the speed of the website, which in turn influences how high it ranks on Google.

A digital marketing company helps with your social media efforts, which will get your business more exposure to new audiences.

SEO expert in Reno Nevada, Sandy Rowley, will show you how to take your kitchen business to the next level.

SEO expert in Reno Nevada, Sandy Rowley, has over 20 years of experience in the kitchen industry. She has written 14 books on different aspects of this particular industry. She is also an entrepreneur who created her own multimillion-dollar business called Kitchen Marketing Strategies. As a result, she can provide invaluable insight to anyone who’s interested in taking their kitchen business to the next level.

The best way for a start-up chef or food blogger to succeed is by investing enough time and energy into their SEO game plan. And that’s where our Reno SEO Expert comes into play. With over 20 years’ experience as both an entrepreneur and marketing consultant, she

SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, which are techniques to get higher ranking in the search engines. Search engines use algorithms to determine what pages are more relevant than others.

SEO is a strategic marketing solution for online businesses that want to increase customer traffic and ultimately conversion rates.

An SEO expert in Reno Nevada is Sandy Rowley. He has been providing SEO consulting services since 1995 and has over 20 years of experience in the field of internet marketing. Rowley’s expertise ranges from site content research to keyword selection, meta tags, link building and social media marketing strategy development for small business owners and Fortune 500 companies alike.

It is hard to find a good SEO expert in a city as big as Reno. The best way is to ask for recommendations from your friends, family members and colleagues.

SEO experts in Reno offer online marketing services that cover a variety of services for businesses that have a presence on the internet. It can be anything from helping you understand how search engine optimization works to optimizing your website’s content for specific keywords and phrases.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of getting a website to rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing. This process includes on-page and off-site optimizations. If you’re looking for an SEO expert Reno Nevada Sandy Rowley, then we’re here to help.

SEO tools: Website SEO Analyser Tool

Tool Features: This tool lets you identify the various elements that affect your website’s rankings among other things such as keywords, user experience, and social media. The tool also lets you manage your backlinks by giving advice on its removal or promotion.

This tool is helpful because it assists webmasters in ensuring that their site has a healthy backlink profile before doing any major link building campaigns. The tool also provides users with steps to take to

You know, SEO isn’t rocket science. The best way to get good at it is by practicing. There’s no shortcut to getting better at it. Having said that, there are plenty of resources out there that can help you out if you’re just starting out.

SEO is not rocket science and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive either. There are many tools and services available for those who don’t know how to start or would like some extra help with their SEO strategies.

We all know that SEO is a key aspect of any digital marketing campaign. This article provides an overview of the services that we offer.

SEO campaigns can be tricky to execute and it’s hard to simply jump in without doing your research. That is why we provide a free consultation to clarify what you need and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Get real SEO help from Reno’s best SEO expert, Sandy Rowley at 775-870-0488, the only top-ranked search marketing company in Reno Nevada.

At Sandy Rowley SEO, we provide SEO services for small businesses and corporations of all sizes. Our expertise includes, but is not limited to: website design, on-page optimization (content, images), link building (through manual outreach), keyword research and analysis (based on competitors’ strategy), web analytics reporting (Google Analytics), search engine marketing campaigns (pay per click advertising or PPC).

Sandy Rowley is a Reno SEO Expert who has been in the industry for more than a decade. She helps companies leverage the internet to generate leads and customers by improving their search engine ranking. The company specializes in cost-effective seo services that not only improve the rank of your website but also creates a positive ROI for your business.

Section topic: Types of computer networks

Section keywords: Types of computer networks, wireless network, wired network, local area network, wide area network

Introduction: The main types of computer networks are Wireless Networking, Wired Networking and Local Area Networking. Let’s take a closer look at each one!

Search engine optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or web page in a search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search and news search.

The SEO expert should be well versed in the latest techniques for getting good rankings on Google. This includes keyword research and understanding how Google crawls their site to find new content.

A good SEO expert will have experience with all aspects of this process, from keyword research to site crawling. They will also have an intimate knowledge of how Google’s algorithm works and what they need to do in order to rank well.

There are many possible ways of finding a good SEO expert. You can use online directories or search platforms to find one.

There are many directories on the internet which list SEO companies and their services. But, this is not an exhaustive list of all the companies that offer these services.

You can also search for ‘find a good SEO’ or ‘find best SEO company’ on google to find relevant results.

The internet has revolutionized the way in which we conduct research, shop, and communicate with each other. It would be difficult to imagine an online venture succeeding without a thorough understanding of SEO best practices.

Best practices for SEO are nuanced and in-depth, so it’s difficult for one person to keep up with everything. That’s why you need an expert.

Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design
450 Sinclair St, Reno, NV 89501
(775) 870-0488

Looking for an SEO company in Northern Nevada?

How to qualify an SEO?

Reno SEO

Reno SEO Deals

Outrank your competitors in Reno and beyond…


Google SEO Guaranteed!

Our Local SEO is your ticket to more sales.

Reno SEO

How to find the Top SEO Companies in the Reno Nevada?

(How to get my website to the top of Google with SEO?)

If you do a quick search in Google for “Reno SEO Expert”, you will see a handful of PPC ads at the top of the search results. 98% of those companies are not located in the Reno Nevada area.

If you scroll down to the Google Maps area, you will likely find local SEO companies.

And…if you scroll down below the Google Maps section, you will see 2 or 3 actual Reno SEO companies.

With that being said, most of the SEO companies that rank on the first page of Google for “SEO Experts” or related terms, beneath the maps area, are in fact, NOT located in Reno.

In our list below, we break down the top digital marketing experts and their true locations for you.

This data was pulled from SEM Rush and other keyword research tools available online.

1. Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design – Sandy Rowley, leading SEO expert located in Reno Nevada holds her spot as the top SEO in Nevada, five years and running. Her SEO company is located in downtown Reno Nevada.

2. SEO – A top contender in the space, hovers over some top SEO positions throughout the month.

3. Reno SEO – An off shoot company of a local digital marketing expert, (not to be named) is looking to outrank these top positions. Possible black hat practices being deployed.

3.  – The companies listed on this directory are paying to be listed as a top SEO. So technically, that does not count as being a good SEO, but we listed this paid directory site simply because they are ranking on the first page of Google for the term. This shows that the Clutch companies SEO team is actually pretty decent at SEO and not neccessarly that the companies listed in this directory are good at SEO.

4. – This company is based out of another state, but did a good job at ranking for this competitive term. Not Local company.

5. Up City – Yet, another paid directory, looking to use thier SEO savvy to help rank their paying customers within their directory. Again, the SEO companies listed on this paid site, are not neccessarily a good choice for SEO as they either paid to be listed, or simply added their website to the free section of this site.

6. Reno SEO- These guys have been battling for the top spot for quite a while now. Not sure if they are actually still living in the Reno Nv area, but they have some skills. This is not 100% guarantee that any of the companies listed on this page are a good fit for your needs, simply a list of companies that are working for the top spot in Reno.

7. – This company is possibly located in another country, per our research. They are at the bottom of page one for SEO related terms. These spots are highly volatile and usually fall off page 1 within a few weeks.

8. –  Another company, not actually located in the Reno area, but is working to position their website as a local business.

9. Bright Local SEO –
Another paid directory for SEO’s. SEO is about ranking a website for relevant keywords that are searched in Google and other search engines. Paying to list your site as the top SEO company in Reno, does not count as SEO. That is simply buying ad space. Bright Local is a top SEO services company located outside of the Reno area. Again, thier SEO team is great at SEO. The companies that paid to be listed on thier directory, maybe not so much.

10. –  Props to this guy. He is at the bottom of page 1 in Google, but his last post on his Facebook page was back over 3 years ago. These types of SEO tactics work temporarily then drop off again to the page 2 or 3 of Google. Not sure if this SEO expert is still located in our area.

How to find a trustworthy SEO company in Reno?

A simple strategy you can use to find a good SEO expert in your area is to do the following:

1. Do a simple keyword search in Google for “Reno SEO”
2. Look at the SERPS or search results that are the top 5 positions in Google.
3. Look at the top 3 results in the local Reno map section.
4. Sort by best reviews.
5. Scroll to see what companies have the best reviews and rank high in Google for the SEO term.

After you have found a list of local Reno SEO companies with good reviews, do the following:

1. Fill out their websites contact form requesting more information. How long does it take for the SEO company to respond?
2. Call the SEO expert and see if they answer the phone or does it go straight to voicemail. (Some of the SEO companies in this list are moonlighting as an SEO and have day jobs.)
3. If the SEO person answers the phone, are they friendly? Are they helpful? How knowledgable are they on the subject?


Never hire an SEO company or expert based on whether they are “affordable” or not. You get what you pay for. If your company is looking to rank for keywords that will generate your business thousands of dollars a month, why would anyone not just do your business on thier own and make more than the measley $500 a month it would take to rank for those keywords?

How much does SEO cost?

A solid SEO campaign for local Reno keywords is $800 – $8500 per month is the average. This is a reasonable investment for the return a business will have with a reputable SEO service.

SEO is a digital marketing service that takes consistancy and time. It is not a one and done service. Don’t let any companies convince you otherwise.

I am available Monday – Saturday, 8am to 8pm PST. Feel free to email or call with questions. Sandy Rowley and her team of SEO experts are on standby, availalbe to be your go to source for all things digital marketing.

Deal Name : Reno SEO Business Discount
Deal Description: Reno SEO business recieve $150 discount on SEO services. Must be located in Reno Nevada or surrounding cities in Northern Nevada.
Coupon Code: RenoSEO
Expiration Date : 12/1/2023

Why Choose Sandy Rowley and her rock star SEO Team in Reno?


Partner with Nevada’s top SEO expert, Sandy Rowley and her team of battle born SEO experts.

100% SEO Rankings Price Guarantee

Our word is our promise. If we fail to rank your companies website within the first 6 months, we will continue your SEO for free until we do!


We build into every SEO campaign, competitor analysis and monitoring on behalf of our clients. Your reputation, rankings and business goals are at the forefront of every marketing campaign we create and implement.


Guaranteed SEO Rankings

Local and Nation SEO Services

Located in Reno Nevada

#1 Choice For SEO Marketing in Reno

Why risk your companies success working with any other SEO company in Reno? Sandy and her team of marketers have a PROVEN track record of ranking hundreds of Reno area businesses at the top of Google searches. Our reviews speak for themselves. We are here to help your company grow.

“Working with Sandy and her team has been an absolute pleasure. She is down to earth, friendly and always there when I need her.”
Mark S.

Ask about our 100% SEO price guarantee.

Website Updates are included in every SEO package

Keep your companies website professionaly updated

Website updates are an important part of a good SEO campaing. Most website udpates are free with our SEO packages. Update simple text and images at no charge. Plugin updates and security patches are included as well. We are able to provide a complete digital marketing service for all Reno area businesses.



Estimated monthly investment. Each client will have a unique set of challenges and goals. Call for a firm SEO quote. Most SEO packages start at $1500 – $5000 per month.

SEO Best Reviews

Need some time to come up with a SEO budget?
Ask about our SEO Jump Start Program.
A one time SEO boost for new businesses. $1500 investment.

*National SEO Campaigns available. Call to learn more.

Invest in your companies future…

Secure SEO rankings now!

Success Stories

We have the best reviews in the state. Over 1285 five star reviews on Google, Facebook, Clutch, 3 Best Rated, Alignable, Yelp and other review sites.

marketing reno

Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design is an invaluable tool for promoting local events in and around Reno. We saw fast results and were able to reach portions of the population that wouldn’t have been available to us otherwise. Sandy is a passionate, knowledgeable professional with so many wonderful tools at her disposal. I’m so grateful to her for her time and attention.
Danny Sierra

Event Promotion , Patagonia Outlet

marketing reno
Every day here at TAP agency Consulting and PR, I need teammates that enjoy what they do, and who are experts at communication and driving projects forward. Sandy Rowley is a wonderfully intelligent person, who works diligently to provide her colleagues and clients with unparalleled insight and professionalism. I look forward to working with Sandy on each project. It is my pleasure to continue to refer Sandy and Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design to my agency’s valued clients. Learn more how TAP Agency Helps Leading Grass Roots Celebrities Sky Rocket their reach.
Alisha The Explorer

PR Goddess, TAP Agency Consulting & PR

marketing reno
Key value-add skills in a web designer:

1) listens to understand what you are trying to communicate and then provides expertise to compose and enhance your collection of visual content in an attractive, compelling and easy-to navigate way.

2) follow through, follow-up, taking time to train you on how to update and edit.

3) coaching on how to best position and accelerate your web site objectives.
Jacquie Chandler


marketing reno
Happy to say Sandy knows her stuff. Her market knowledge, strategic insight and her ability to apply these broadly across sectors 21st century style was surprising and pleasing. She is my primary marketing resource.
Carole Bucher

Feldenkrais Method, Extra Space

marketing reno
Since working with RWD my web sales increased 500 percent.
Larry Green

Founder & CEO, EEZ Keeper

marketing reno
CharitySmith has seen an immediate increase in new due to our site redesign. Sandy found a great balance of professionalism while maintaining a warm aesthetic!
Brenda Zimmerman

Executive Director,

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!

SEO Reno

SEO Reno

Best SEO in Reno since 1999.

Sandy Rowley is an award winning web designer and SEO service provider working to help level the playing field for small businesses in Nevada and beyond. See list of SEO resources and informaiton listed below. Call or text with questions 775-870-0488.

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4 Tips To Increase Traffic On Your Website

4 Tips To Increase Traffic On Your Website

To get more traffic to your website without spending a lot of money, and that is what any Internet business strives to accomplish. In this article, we will cover the basic knowledge, which will be followed by 4 basic tips to get traffic to your site. Anonymous to many novice webmasters, there are some ways to attract more visitors to your website that do not require spending a large amount of...

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Sandy Rowley SEO & Web Design is Named a Top Nevada Advertising and Marketing Agency

Sandy Rowley SEO & Web Design is Named a Top Nevada Advertising and Marketing Agency

Is your company’s SEO strategy working? Taking the guess-work out of digital marketing is our specialty at Reno Web Designer! Our unique approach to custom web design and SEO services has proven to work for our clients. The close relationships we build with our clients allows us to provide them with the best possible services. Beautiful websites, SEO strategy and PPC marketing are among our...

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5 Common SEO Mistakes When Revamping a Website (With Their Solutions)

5 Common SEO Mistakes When Revamping a Website (With Their Solutions)

Redesigning a website is a detailed project with hundreds of steps requiring thought and decision-making at technical, financial, creative, operational, and strategic levels. Months of planning, designing, writing, and developing are involved before your website is ready for the world. Knowing this, it helps to avoid mistakes rather than make them. One key to making sure your launch goes off...

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Here Are 7 Things SEO Content Writers Think About Before They Write An Article

Here Are 7 Things SEO Content Writers Think About Before They Write An Article

It's time to take your company to the next level. You've tried personalized pens, cute social media posts, and fresh business cards, but nothing seems to be boosting business as it should. It can be a frustrating place to be in as a company owner. Luckily for you, there are people who are SEO content writers. Search engine optimization sounds scary, but trust us, it's worth it. They are...

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What Exactly Will An SEO Expert Do For You?

What Exactly Will An SEO Expert Do For You?

"SEO is the fastest way to solifify a businesses authority in any given market..." Sandy Rowley Shopify SEO Expert By 2020, research shows that businesses will spend $80 billion dollars on SEO. If you're going to put out big bucks on SEO, you want to know what you're getting. Since you want to know what you're getting, you ask, "what is an SEO specialist?" and "What am I going to get out of...

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SEO Reno

SEO Reno
S.E.O (search engine optimization) the science and art of ranking a page from a website on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
I remember back in the good old days, that if your small Reno business wanted to reach thousands of local customers, you had to take out a loan or beg, borrow or steal a few thousand dollars to get a respectable ad in the Yellow Pages.  For some markets, a YP ad would be just the thing you needed to kick start a successful marketing campaign, for others, was a painful mistake (tax right off).  Thanks to SEO  (search engine optimization), times have changed, and for the good if you ask me.

Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines give a small business a real chance of reaching ideal customers for less than a few hundred dollars or less.  You don’t need to be a top SEO Expert or an award winning Web Designer to take advantage of these marketing strategies either.

SEO expert

Monthly Lunch & Learn – Free Internet Marketing Workshop with Sandy Rowley with

Listed below are some helpful tips for reaching your new customers using search engine marketing. I wish you the very best in your internet marketing endeavors. I am always here to chat over the phone if your too busy to do the SEO, Web Design or Social Media Marketing yourself. Want hands on marketing help? Join our FREE monthly marketing workshop. Learn more here.  I can be reached at 775-453-6120, just ask for Sandy!

10 Steps To Higher Conversions (sales) on Your Website

  1. Create one page on your website that is designed with one specific goal. A great example would be a landing page that encourages viewers to sign up for a class, e-book, gift…you get the idea. Make this landing page your irresistible offer geared around your products & services. You can hire a custom website development company or use landing page creator sites like Launch Rock, U Bounce or Insta Page for free to little no cost.

graphic design reno has a great example of an irresistible offer with their interactive bill tool.

landing page design

MailChimps home page is a great design example, but uses links to other information. The sole product is still the focus point.

reno graphic design


Use a strong call to action at the very top of the landing page and keep the information on the page only about the one offer or ask.

Integrate bold colors and simple backgrounds.

Use testimonials and authority site badges.




  1. Remember, less is more for high end products and more is, well more for lower dollar services and products. If you need to buy a landing page template from Theme Forest or a download a free one online, fine, do that. Unless you are a graphic designer, do not try to cram a bunch of information onto your landing page and hope for the best. You are only wasting your time. The design needs to be clean, easy to use and straight to the point in order for it to work. You have less than 5 seconds to really motivate someone into action. Most non designers and even seasoned graphic designers struggle with finding the right amount of words and images to create a sense of urgency and demand for their product or service. We feel we need to add as much information as humanly possible. Your viewer will only be confused, bored and ultimately leave.
  2. Once you have a strong call to action, an emotion generating image or video and high strategically positioned sign up form created, now you can add content below the fold of the web page. Here is where you can list your top 5 frequently asked questions, your top 3 customer testimonials, your latest press coverage and useful information. Remember, only place content on this page that relates to the one strong call to action. If your goal is to get someone to buy the product, only focus on that product. Do NOT have links to any other pages on your site or others within this web page landing page design. Remember, the only way off of this landing page is to buy something, bookmark for later or leave. Period.
  3. Now that your money making landing page is created, you need to consider where your customers are at online. Are they in a popular group related to knitting? Hiking? Drinking? Find out where they are. It is important to know where your customers are online. If you are selling a product for bakers, I would search for popular blogs for bakers, gift shows, recipe contests and the like. Start off looking for small “mommy” blogs that talk about baking. Email and ask for advertising rates. You are wanting to trade if possible. The goal is for her/him to write a great article about your baking tool/product linking back to your landing page. You could even copy your first landing page, and add logo and picture of the blog site within the landing page… Then email this out to their followers.
  4. Offer a give-away contest to the blogger. They are always looking for content and exciting things to share with their followers. Make sure that the blogger tags your Facebook, Twitter and website address to your landing page in all their marketing and social media outreach. Give-always are a super way to reach a lot of new business, fast.
  5. Do a search for Google PPC credit and / or Facebook credits. Use this $100 credit to setup an advertising campaign linking directly to this landing page url. Remember to set your budget to $100, because you can exceed this by several hundreds or thousands of dollars in one day. You can track how many people saw your ad and how many clicked…versus who actually bought something. You can look at the keywords that were most successful and use these same keywords to do an organic SEO campaign for future sales.
  6. Partnerships are a quick way to reach potential customers online. Let’s stick with the bakery product niche. Who in your industry that is not a direct competitor, would want to partner up and sell your product to their customers? You can offer then a percentage of the sale to do this and/or pay a marketing fee.
  7. Write an article a day that helps your ideal market solve a problem. This one article or info-graphic or video a day will drastically increase your position in Google organic search. These content pieces need to be at least 800 words or longer to have a lasting positive change in your rankings in Google search.
  8. Sponsor a local Meetup group for $90. Choose a Meetup group that has hundreds of active members who match your ideal customer base. You can learn more about this group website at
  9. Purchase space in your local Chamber of Commerce website and/or email monthly e blast. The going rates are anywhere from $99 and up, but you can reach thousands of local businesses and their employees fast. Make sure to track the clicks you receive independently of the Chambers email blast service. You can use free url shorteners/trackers from Google and Bitly.

Landing pages are a great web design marketing tool to help convert those new website views into real world customers. I see so many PPC Pay Per Click campaigns with low quality scores and results because they send their paid traffic to the home page of their website instead of a highly crafted landing page on their website that converts to sales.

You can find more SEO, Web Design, Social Media and Graphic Design information throughout my website.

I have 17 years’ experience in helping small businesses with internet marketing. I can be reached at or call me, Sandy Rowley, at 775-453-6120.